Is Anyone There

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I put ont my shoes and left. I walked slowly, kicking a rock, a small grey rock with small balck and red dots. I smiled to myself for noticing something so small. I kicked it off the curb and frowned. I looked up and saw some people ahead, strange seeing people up so late. I kept walking, though. When I walked past them one of the grabbed me from the back of my shrit. "You a greaser?" One said walking infont of me with the rest of them. "Yeah, I guess." I said quietly. I tried to walk off but I forgot one was holding my by my shirt. "Damn, we got a sexy one too." One laughed. I counted, there was four infornt of me then one behind me. Five to one. I got a shiver. I started to study them. They looked a bit older, maybe like 15 or 16. I studied the first one, he had blonde curly hair that neatly fell on his face, unlike Dally or Johnny where there hair would messily hang, his bangs were in bettween Johnnys no cut, and Dallys short bangs. I went to his eyes, they were just cold. I studied all of their outfits. They were soc, I could have said that from the beging, but their clothes said it all. Their neet up done colars and a white T with a flanal over. I only had a flanal on.

I was pushed out of thoughts when I was getting thrown to the floor. "If you couaperate we won't have to hurt ya, kay?" The blonde said taking a blade out. I realzed I have nothing. All of a sudden it hit me what was happening, I couldn't move or scream, even though I was trying. Two were holding my legs and Two more at my arms, the other one sitting on my chest smirking. He leaned down his arms on either side of my head. His head lowered to mine till his lips met my neck. He moved his hands to my chest, then in my shirt. He slowly unhooked my bra. "Stop!" I finally manadged. "Please stop!" I squrimled around trying to get out of everyones grasp. The boy sat up quick and picked up his blade. My eyes filled with tears. I didn't want to but I scareamed eveyonesI knew names. "Darry, Johnny, Sodapop, Two-bit, Dallas, Ponyboy, Steve, Mike, Jessie, please is anyone, anyone there!" I yelled, though it wasn't that loud like Dally said. Maybe after not talking for so long I lost my voice. I used to be so loud. I could start talking and never stop. I was crying, I only know because I could tatste the tears. My whole boys was numb other wize. "We said stop." The boy punched me, hard.

I started screaming everyones names again. I wasn't that far from home, they had to hear me... right? Someone had to. "It's the dead of night shut up now. Your voice to too quite anyways." He grunted. I went to scream again, but I was standing up again. The four started jumpping me. A hand hit my hand, and my ring fell off. "My ring!" I screamed. I did everything to get away, but I was in so much pain. 

Finally I got out of their grasp and they gave up. I ran to where I think the ring went. I looked for god knows how long, but I felt like I might pass out soon. I got up and ran, I didn't want to waist time so I looked for a house with lights on. I found one and banged on the door. Someone opened. "Y/n..?" A fimailiar voice said but I couldn't lift my head. Whoever it was pulled me inside and rushed me into a room. I sat on the bed and finally looked up. "Dall." My eyes began to water again, when I saw his face, sad I started sobbing, or maybe I already had been. "Y/n what happened to you..." He asked softly rushing to me, kneeling down. "There was five of them then- I yelled for everyone." Then I rembered. "My ring!" I yelled sobbing. Dally looked at my hand. He put his hand on mine. "Hey, hey we'll find your ring man, but your face." I rembebered how fucked up it probally. looked. "What happened?" Dally said more calm. I only kept crying, he went some where and came back with bandages. "I don't know how to use this stuff but you've patched me up a few times." He smiled. He did his best from what he picked up from me. He stood up and hugged me. He rubbed my back. "Clam down man, please." His please was soft and scared, it quivered. Then I realized he took my bra too. 

After a while I stopped crying. "I was walking to the lot to see Johnny at the lot then, there were some guys up ahead, then." I stopped and felt the lump in my throat. "Y/n you ain't gotta finsih, right now." I nodded. "You wanna stay here the night?" He asked. "I'm stayin' here with a, friend." I nodded. I laid down, my face hurt. Everything did now that I wasn't numb. I laid there, Dally had walked out. I started at the wall. I was hoping my face wouldn't be terrible. I slowly sat up to see where the blade had cut. There was a few cuts of my arm, nothing terrible. I slowly drifted off to sleep, and had a horrid dream. I was woken up by Dally vigorously shaking me. "Y/n wake up come on man." He said. I woke up and sat up. "I got so snack from downstairs." He said worried. "I'm not hungry." I whispered. "Figured, I am though, we both didn't eat much today." He laughed. He told me some stroies from New York, the deffinitly didn't help settle my stomach. I was scared to go to sleep again, but at some point his stories got so boring I fell alseep. 

When I woke up, from a dream, I got out of the bed and wondered around till I found the bathroom. I stepped infront of the mirror. I slowly opened my eyes, there was a big bruse on my left cheek, and a deep cut from the bottom of my right cheek to the middle of my neck. My eyes filled up with tears. "At least you'll look tough." Dally said walking into the mirror veiw, I had left the door open. I jumped and my heart started racing. "Oh sorry." He said. "You wanna go back?" He asked. I shook my head and we left. 

We were silent while walking. I kept looking around to make sure no one was behind us or somethin'. "What did the guys look like?" He asked. I thought. I only really say the one. "Blonde curly hair, brown, I think, eyes. Big time soc, probally." I said quietly. "I'll beat him 2 times worse when I see that man from hell." Dally grunted as we walked to the gate. Another reason for his eyes to be filled with hatred.

I walked in with my head down."Y/n where were you, you had us all scared and mom dead!" Dally yelled. "If dad wasn't at work he'd be-" I looked up, I couldn't tell if I was crying or not. "Y/n.." Darry said. Eveyones faced dropped. Dally walked fully behind me and put his hand on my back. "Y/n." Darry said. "What happened." He started. "She was jumpped isn't that fucking obvious?" Dally said defensivly. Soda looked down, he must have seen my hand. "Y/n your ring." He said quietly. "I know." I put my head down. Two-bit didn't even crack a joke. "I know." I said again, this time knowing for sure I was crying, running to my room.     

I burried my head in my pillow and cried. I think hours passed and I heared a nock on the door. "Come in." I managed. Johnny walked in. "I found your ring." He said. I ran to him and hugged him. "Thank you, the ring, it means a lot." I said. "I know." He smiled lightly. "How'd you find it though?" I asked. "I was walking and it shines pretty bright in the sun, like you." He smiled softly. I smiled back. I took the ring and put it on my finger. I felt better now that I had the ring, we walked back out to the living room, and the usual, Soda, Steve and Darry were playing cards, leaving eveyone stuck watching Micky Mouse. This must have been going a while, becasue Dally was playing Chess with Ponyboy. I laughed at the sight. Dally moved a peice and knockde over all of Ponys peices over. "Check mate, check mate, check mate, andddd check mate." Dally said. "I won." He smirked. "Dally you don't play like that!" "Oh, I thought it was the first to knock over all the peices." He said genuinely. Me and Johnny sat on the couch. I just watched T.V. till everyone left. 

"So you're gonna tell us what happened." Darry said, Pony had already left for bed. I nodded slowly. "Darry don't be so pushy." Soda said queitly to him. I explained it to them, trying not to cry. "Oh Y/n." Soda walked to me hugging me. "You need to start carrying  blade." Darry said. "Hey would you give her sometime." Soda snapped. "Just don't want it to happen or nothing again." Darry said. "Sorry." He said again. "Lets get some rest kay?" Soda said I nodded. 

I laid in bed, staring into the dark, too scared to sleep. 

AN: Hope you liked this and that you'll come back for more! Sorry for any mistakes. 

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