Nothing Can be the Same

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It's been 5 years, since the incident. My brother is 18 and I'm 10. Everything has been, okay. My brother got a girlfriend, I like her, and my brother really loves her. He talks about her all the time. Also my brother started drinking, at first it wasn't that often, now it's everyday. 

I got home from school and started my homework while watching Mickey Mouse, Goofy was my favorite character. An hour later my brother got home. "Hey y/n." His words were slured. "Hi." I said quietly. After the accident I had stopped talking so much, and so loud. "What are ya watchin'?" He said falling ontop the couch. "Mickey Mouse." I said. "Are we going to play?" I aksed still looking at the T.V, because I knew the awnser. "Hey Y/n, I'm tired. I promise tomorrow. I promise, I'm just really-" "I know." I said standing up with my school stuff and walking to my room. I went to my bed and laid down, tears filled my eyes. He never had time for me anymore. I rolled over. It was Friday, and tomorrow is Saturday, Jessie (my brothers girlfriend) comes over on Saturdays, then they go to my brothers "spot" for a date. My brother used to go to the spot when he wanted to be alone, he still does, just now he goes with Jessie. I stared at the wall, just thinking, till I, at some point, fell asleep. 

My brother slowly shook me, waking me up. I smelt french toast sticks, they were my favorite. I poped my my head up instantly. He chuckled lightly. "mornin' Y/n." I smiled. We walked out to the kitchen and Jessie was there. I was excited to eat breakfast with my brother, just us, like it used to be, but not anymore. "Hi Y/n!" She smiled brightly. I nodded my head. We sat down, I could feel tension coming from Jessie twords my brother. I have noticed for a while actually. I sighed while eating, waiting for it to be over. I felt my stomach start to hurt after I ate way too many. After everyone was done I went to go and watch Mickey Mouse. Jessie and my brother cleaned up. Once they were done my brother came up to me. "Hey Y/n me and Jessie are going to go out." He  said. I gave him a mad look. "I'll be back in a few hours, I promise." He put his pinky out and we made a pinky promise. Hes never broken one so I knew he'd be back, untill I waited hours, and hours by myself. I stayed up waiting for him, then finally at 12 AM he was home. I had been reading The Source. "Y/n what are you doing up?" He asked,   drunk. "Where were you?" I started to cry. "I- it was an accident Y/n seriouly, you have to belvie me." He said. I didn't say anything. "We'll play-" "We'll play tomorrow, well play tomorrow, thats all you say to me, you  never actully do, and you never will," I said through tears. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I didn't even want to play, I just wanted to spend time with him, doing anything. I thought about it, his eyes were red, not like he was drunk either.  

I woke up the next moring, it was already 11:30. My brother hadn't woken me up. I started getting ready, assuming maybe he was called in early for work or something. I got some cerial and sat at the table when I noticed a note on the table,"I will be out for a while, I love you Y/n, I'm sorry for not playing with you, and drinking... if I could go back I would. I would redo it all, for  you and Jessie. I want you to know that the accident 5 years ago was not your fault, and nothing that has happened is. I'm sorry it took me a pointless break-up to relizes what I've done to you and Jessie. I love you Y/n I love you so much. More than anything or anyone, and I'm sorry that if over the years that wasn't clear. Theres so much going on I wish you could know about... I love you, you should talk more, I love your voice, and so does everyone else.    --   Love Mike"  I got chills and a bad feeling reading this. I had also lost my appitite.

 I sat on the couch and watched T.V. with a bad feeling in my gut. Finally,   when it got irresistible I got up and turned the T.V. off. I grabbed my coat on the way out, it was raining. It was Spring so it rained a lot. I looked around town asking people if they'd seen my brother. All of them said no, wich meant there was one last place he for sure was. I don't know what time is was but the sun was beging to set, I knew when I found my brother he'd be mad I was out so late by myself. I went to his spot. It was a cliff, pretty far up hill, but no one went there, wich I don't blame them, its a pretty steep hill and hidden, you probally couldn't hear anything from all the way up there. Once I finally got up it, wich took a while, it was almost pouring, like when the accident happened, it kinda of gave me chills, it was the same time of day almost, and same weather. I saw my brothers car, I started running twords it. His lights were on in the car. He picked something up, and I froze I don't know why. He put something to his head, and in only 3 seconds the window covered with red. BANG! The sound had finally reached me. I ran, faster than I knew I could. I pulled on the door it was locked, but it opened in seconds of yanking, it was an old car that barely worked. When the door opened I saw it, the bloddly mess. His limp body upper half fell out, his eyes, his eyes wern't his. They were half rolled back. "Y/n..?" He managed. "MIKE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I started sobbing. "You wern't suposed to... I love you." He smiled... then it faded. I dropped to my knees, screaming, sobbing. Anything from the past years was coming out. "Why?" I screamed, holding his cold hand. What did I do to deserve this all?" I asked to god knows who, I was hopping for an awnser, from anyone. I started to wonder, what if I hadn't said anything... to my dad, to him. After maybe hours or only minutes, I don't know, of crying I went into his car. I grabbed the gun. He kept it in his car, we didn't live in what you'd call a good neghiborhood. I saw a box and opened it. It was a ring. An engagement ring I grabbed that too. I didn't know what to do. I was holding my brothers gun and rejected ring in my hand, with him laying in his car. I didn't know what to do so I ran. I ran home and called the cops, but then I grabbed his wallet and my small backpack and ran. I don't know where I was going, I just know I couldn't be here. Nothing can be the same, ever. And I know damn well I'm going to be put in a foster home. I didn't want anybody, to love or know me. I'm too scared. 


AN: This took so longggg, I hope you enjoyed and will of course come back for more!!  I know there will be some mistales in this one, just lmk. Hope you come back for moreee /\ /\

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