Chapter 3 / AN:

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The long awaited and hated chapter that ends it. I am discontinuning this. Sorry, I'm just not into The Outsiders much anymore. But I will explain what I had planed for the stroy (Btw I had started writing this chapter so I'll leave that there too. 

When Jhonny dies, Dall would come back and asked to see you. You'd meet him at the door and he wouldhug you, crying into your arms. You guys go to your room and hee cried to you and says, "I was gonna kill myself, there was nothing else I loved, so there was no point. The I thought... I guess there is one last thing to love, Y/n do you love me?" You'd think about it, although you laready knew the awenser, and you began nodding. 

You fall in love and live happily ever after BOOM BABY! I'm going to post the left over notes I have for this I recomened reading that as well before you go. But thank you to any and all of my readers, espially the few thar intercated! (I'm not reading through this so it's probally all over the place and has spelling mistakes.) Also sorry if you read any of my other Dally x readers and they're gone now. Those are done too. Anyways Hope you enjoyed, and will enjoy the little bt left. BYE BYE

I  woke up shaking, breathing hard, and my head pounding. I looked over and Dally wasn't there. I started to calm my breathing. Dally walked through the door. For a second he had a guilt look on his face. "You alright?" He asked. I slowly nodded. "Just a bad dream." I choked. I stood up to see if I still remembered where the bathroom was. 

I walked into the bathroom. I splashed wated on my face. I waited till I was clamer. I walked back to Dally's  room and he was putting his shirt on. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded then we headed out. 

While walking I could tell Dally was tense. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He laughed. We got back , Soda was on the couch, he looked stressed, and Darry was in the kicthen, the other guys scattered the house. Darry walked over to the door. He looked at me. "Y/n where the hell have you bee?!" He yelled. My gut dropped no one has yelled at me, the last time someone yelled at me was before my dad passed.  "You know how fucking worried I was, we all were? Ponyboy runs away and you don't show home afetr leaving with Dally!" He yelled. My eyes filled with tears. "Darry I didn't." "What? You didn't think?" He yelled. "Darry don't" Sodapop said quietly. Then it hit me. "Wht do you mean Ponyboy ran away?" I aksed. I looked between Darry and Sodapop waiting for an awnser. "I hit him last night, he ran out the door, then there was a dead body in the park, Johnny is gone too." darry confessed. I felt sick, I felt dizzy. "Y/n?" Someone said, the voice was muffled. 

I walked to the bathroom. I just barely made it. I threw up. "Y/n, are you okay?" Sodapop asked.I shook my head. I was overwhelmed with my brothers death, my parents, second parents, Darry yelling at me, and Ponyboy, and proablally a hangover. I thought about it again, then threw up again. This went on till not long after I passed out. 

I woke up back in my room. Darry walked in a minute later. "Hey Y/n." He said akwardly. "You feeling better?' He asked. I shurgged. "Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell-" "It's fine." I cut him off. "You um, hungry?" He asked. The tension grew. Me and Darry never got close.I nodded.

He came back with some soup. "Why'd you hit Pony?" I asked with a quirver. "Y/n, I don't know." He sighed. "So much for not wanting to loose them." I said to myself. He sighed and walked out. I started thinking about how there was a dead body and Johnny is gone too. I almost got sick again, I kept it down though. 

When I was done I walked out, the living had this thick tension. Two-bit was yalling at Dally, about going to Texas or something. "Do you guys have an idea of where their going?" I asked. "Dally said Texas." Sodapop shrugged. "Wait Dally knows?" I asked. Sodapop slowly nodded. I looked at him and he shrugged. "When did they come over, or how'd you know?" I asked hurried. "You were asleep." He shrugged. 

The whole day was filled with tension and quietness. 


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