Prt-23: Conserning

406 11 7

Posiden's pov~

Percy had long since left. Up to his room this "work" was tiring for the boy. That name. "Miles" I've heard it before, but were?

I decided to... look into it. The computer came to life easaly, some game the boys had been on flashed its bright colors, befor being minamized (not gonna risk closing it again... Tyson sulked for weeks last time I accidently lost his progress).

If I recognized the name, then it must have been somthing important.

But I couldn't find it... nothing in any of the recent head lines came up. No articles or papers mentioned him.

Mayhaps I was wrong... mabey it is nothing.

"Love what are you doing?" My wife called to me. She stood in the door way of the living room. "I do hope you aren't messing with your sons' games. You know what happened last time." She smiled walking to me.

I attempted a smile back, reciving a frown. And so I explained. Percy's work and the name i could almost remember but never placed.  I didn't receive a response.

She must thing I'm just being over protective. That I'm over thinking.

Amphitrite shoved me away from the computer. Frantically she typed in to the search engine, unfortunately I was to far back to see what it was.

"This Miles?" She asked franaticly. Befor me lay a news article from last year

"We need to talk to Percy..."

Hey everyone here is the next part I hope the image loads I can post it some were else if I need to. It has a few hints to other parts of the world as well so keep an eye out for it. Sorry the drawing isnt the best it prety late for me. And the faces are blured becase i suck at drawing them. Have a good day, night, and evening. Bye💜

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