Pt:1-A Horrifying Discovery

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This is going to jump "strait" into the story. I can do a backstory type chapter later if you want also a cover will be added later.

Guest Pov~

"Ok everyone" the beautiful Lady Ugliano called over the crowd, "welcome to the party, you may explore as you wish just know that our" she looked lovingly to the man beside her "beautiful twins are in their room on the top floor, so we ask you not to bother them to much." She finished dismissing the everyone to their exploration.

I guess I'll explore the bottom floor. I think, looking to the rest of the party seeing the head towards the large glorious stair case.

--small time skip--

Why is this place so big!?! I've been exploring for about an hour know.

Suddenly my nose is assaulted Whats that smell? Its an awful smell. What's causeing it... Mabey some pest died... I should find it so they can have it removed and get rid of the stench. I think heading down a dimmer hallway.

Doesn't look like many people use this hall. I think following the stench. There is somthing on the floor? Something... red.... Whats that? Moving closer I notice its leeking out of a small door? Mabey a mouse or somthing got in to some paint? Or mabey there was some dead? I should check to be sure.... Slowly I reach for the small handle and unlock it.. Why lock it? This place dosnt seem like a place many people visit... Turning the small handle I slowly open the door.

Is that a body!?! Before my lies the small unmoving body of a boy. Scars cover his small body. God... I need to contact the police....

Pulling out my phone I quickly dial the emergency services number.

"Hello what is your emergency?" I hear

"Theres a body here... One of a small boy with black hair. He is covered in scars and bruises."

Then his eyes began to flutter... He's alive!

"Mama you still there.?! You said a body? Where are you"

"He's alive!" I cry "he's not dead. He's opened his eyes."

"Mama were are you."

"What's happening? Who are you? Why is my door open?" The child began stammering and hyperventilating.

"Calm down," I say, reaching towards him, resulting in him flinching back. "Kid, you need to calm down... You're going to give yourself a panic attack." I say, trying to calm him.

"Ma'am whats happening? Are you ok?"

The sudden voice started the child. "What are you doing?" He cried out.

"Getting you out of here," I say, moving to grab my discarded phone.

"WHAT! I can't leave the twins. They need me. I can't leave them." He called out.

"They aren't staying either. This place clearly isn't safe for children."

"Ma, I am answer me what is happening?"

"The boy woke up. He needs help. He's covered in blood and bruised."

"What! You said there was a body? Where are you?"

"I thought he was a body, but he woke up. He's alive and NEEDS help. The address is 532 Notreal Avenue. Hurry. I don't want to see what happens if we are found."

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