Prt:5- Dad...

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Posiden's Pov~

Bzzzzz Bzzzz "Love could you get the phone I'm? still working on the closet." I hear my Amphitrite (dose anyone have a good nickname for her so i dont have to keep coping and pasting it?).

Learning about my other son was something else... Hopefully I can earn his forgiveness...  Picking up the buzzing device, and reading the name reveals the Number of the hospital. Fearing the worst I answer, we are supposed to come for the twins in a few hours.

"This is Mr. Jackson is everything ok? How is Percy and the twins?"

"Mr. Jackson we have great news  regarding your son." The nurse told me.

Letting out a relieved sigh "What is it?"

"Percy has awaken. And after a simple checkup on his condition he should be able to leave with you and the twins. We will prepare a list of all the essentials you will need to care for and help him. We have a specialized dieting plan already prepared. We will brief you everything else you need to know and do when your family arives."

"That is amazing we will be on our way soon. We want to tell the boys and finish their rooms."

"Thats alright sir, we expect the check up to take a couple hours at least. So we will expect you around 1pm is that acceptable?"

"Yes thank you so much."

"No problem sir" hearing the phone go silent, I head up to the rooms we have chosen. Percy has a light blue room, and a queen size bed to right side of the room. A small mahogany desk and chair set next to the doorway. Lament flooring with a small white rug. A closet on the opposite wall and a bay window to the backyard, with small pillows. A large dresser sat at the foot of his soon-to-be bed. The twins' room is roughly the same size with pale yellow walls, and a cream colored carpet. Both children have a twin sized bed, one on each side of the room and a small dresser at the foot of each bed. A closet is on the right side of the room. And a desk similer to Percy's, besides being slighly smaller.

"Posiden, who was it?" Amphitrite asked opon my entry.

"The hospital called."

"Are the boys ok" she asked turning to me.

"Yeah, Percy woke up. And should be ok to come home with us later today."

"Great! Their rooms are basically done."

"We need to tell Tyson and Triton still..."

"We do come on I'll get them you head to the living room.




"You need us?" Triton asked entering the living room, Tyson following behind him. I hope they won't be mad.

"Boys you remeber the police officers from yesterday?" Amphitrite ask taking a seat beside me.



Looking up at them I began "boys let me tell you a story, ok?"

"What does it have to do with the officers?" Triton asked.

Chuckling I replied "it's about why they were here actually."

"Y-You didnt do anything did you?" Tyson asked moving closer to his older brother. Triton pulled the smaller boy to his side as he looked me over. "Dad?" He asked..

"Boys back be for I new your mother I loved this woman named Sally." I could feel Amphitrite move closer to me at the mention of my Ex. "She wasn't a very nice woman either, we only lasted about a year together.."

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