Chapter Two

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I sit on my bed and shake my head softly as I hear someone walk into the cabin. I look up and see a tall boy with black hair, he was wearing a green and white shirt with brown trousers. He had a black duffel bag slung across his shoulder and he was dragging a suitcase behind him. He looks around for a moment before looking at me. "Oh hi, I'm Bruce." He smiles kindly before walking over to one of the beds. "Hey, I'm Finney, it's nice to meet you." I smile back trying to match his energy.

Before he can say anything else another boy walks in carrying his bags. He has short brown hair and is wearing a grey hoodie with grey shorts. He looks at us slightly shocked but smiles. "Oh hey, thought no one would be here yet. I'm Collin." He says before walking over to the bed across from mine. "Hey, I'm Bruce and this is Finney." Bruce smiles back at Collin as he dumps his bags on his bed (next to Collin's). Leaving the last bed next to me open for whoever else is coming.

"So we are all gonna be roomies for the next four months," Bruce says with a smile and he sits on his bed. "I guess so," I add lightly as I stand up from my spot on my bed. "Can't wait to see what this looks like when it's decorated..." Bruce says with a chuckle as he starts unpacking his bedding from one of his bags. "I guess it will be different." I shrug as I start doing the same.

Suddenly, the door quickly swings open to reveal a small blond boy panting heavily, clutching his bags tightly. He is wearing a plain white shirt with a dark brown flannel over the top and black ripped jeans. "Hey- there!" He wheezes as he leans on the doorframe. "You alright there? You look like you just ran a marathon." Bruce asks, raising an eyebrow slightly. 

The blond boy shuts the door and sluggishly walks over to the bed next to mine before collapsing on the bed face first. Still panting heavily. Bruce, Collin and I glance at each other, unsure of what to do. After a moment the boy sits up and drops his bags next to his bed before he faces us. He smiles at us looking flushed, "Sorry about that, my brother was chasing me. I'm Axel, nice to meet you all!" He chimes, smiling softly.

Bruce smiles back at him, "It's fine, I'm Bruce, that's Collin next to me and Finney is next to you." Bruce points to us, I look up and smile at Axel which he returns. Collin looks over his shoulder from his bags, "Why was your brother chasing you?" He asks before turning his whole body around to look at him. Axel rubs the back of his neck shyly, "I don't even know, but I wasn't gonna ask him why. He is one scary 16 year old..." Axel answers sheepishly. I pull out my bedding from my duffle bag and I start making my bed. Collin nods before turning around and going back to unpacking.

We all work peacefully setting up our areas while we each take turns asking each other different things (turns out that Bruce also plays baseball) and we continue until our whole cabin now feels like a piece of each of our homes put together. I lay my suitcase and duffle bag under my bed for easy access when I need to get changed. Then I move onto my bed and sit up against the headboard, looking at the whole cabin.

My area was a mixture of blue and white bedding with an extra small star pillow. I had hung up my space poster and my lamp of Saturn on my small bedside table. Collin had a grey bedding with thin white stripes and he hung up a basketball poster and a Kanye West poster. Bruce had light blue and white bedding with a Baseball poster and a small whiteboard of some sort. Axel had dark red bedding with a poster of Wheatus and Led Zeppelin.

Even though we all definitely had are own styles the room somehow came together nicely, making it look more cosy and homey in a way. Soon the speakers were going off with a tune and then a voice told us all to report to the main hall. I sigh as I tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and slide out of my bed lazily. "Good thing we are all done then," Bruce states.

I hum in agreement and the four of us slowly make our way out of the cabin and follow the other campers to the main hall. When we make it there I notice the tables in the room are all assigned to specific cabins. The boys and I make our way to the wooden picnic table labelled 'blue cabin' and take a seat. I notice there is a second plack on the table which reads 'red Cabin'.

Soon four other boys walk in and I can't help but stare at one of them. He was tan, he had shoulder-length dark brown hair and had a blue and white bandana tied around his head. He was wearing a brown sleeveless top and bootcut jeans and just by looking at him, you could tell he was a fighter by his knuckles that were wrapped up in tape.

I quickly looked away just in case he turned around and saw me staring. He and the other three boys make their way over to our table and I can't help but hope that he is a part of the red cabin. One of the boys stops the others and nods in our direction with a glare and a huff. I feel Axel stiffen beside me slightly.

The boy that stopped was very tall and had long blonde curly hair, he was wearing a sleeveless denim jacket, (which showed off how fucking jacked he is) with a white tank top and jeans. One thing I did notice though is his leather bracelets. He looks angry yet peaceful at the same time. Like a storm in a way. He points at us.

"This should be fun," Collin mumbles noticing the looks they are shooting towards us. They walk up to the table and a short brunette boy that I hadn't noticed speaks up. "Hey, guys!" He smiles. "Hi!" Bruce greets him with a smile. "I take it we are table buddies." The boy adds as the rest of them take their seats.

"I guess so." Bruce nods and chuckles lightly. "Well it is nice to meet you guys I am Griffin." He points to himself. "This is my best friend Billy!" He points at a blond boy who simply nods before looking back down again. I look at the bandana boy curiously and when he notices I'm staring I shoot him a smile before looking back down.

"This is Robin." Griffin points to the bandana boy who nods. "And this is Vance..." Griffin says quietly, he didn't point at Vance and I wouldn't either, he looks like he'd bite my finger off. He simply huffs when his name is mentioned, arms crossed, a permanent scowl on his features.

Bruce notices the air around them has become more tense and he clears his throat, "Nice to meet you all... I'm Bruce. This is Collin." Collin smiles from beside Bruce. "That's Axel and beside Axel is Finney." Axel doesn't say anything, his eyes still staring at the table. I politely smile and I see Robin glance at me from the corner of my eye.

"Nice to meet you all, I think our cabin is right next to yours too," Griffin says excitedly at us. "Oh okay then!" Bruce smiles. Soon a counsellor walks out to the middle of the floor with a megaphone. And starts talking about the rules we must follow and what these next four months will look like.

Soon enough we are sent back to our cabins and the boys are walking side by side with our group. Somehow I am stuck in the back and miraculously so is Robin. "Hey." I smile at him, trying to make conversation "Hey." He smiles back slightly. "I'm Finney." I hold out my hand for him to shake as we keep on slowly walking.

"Robin." He smiles back accepting my hand and shaking it. I slightly blush as he does. "How are you liking the camp so far?" He asks his hands in his pockets. "I'm loving it, it's all so new and different to me. What about you, how are you liking it?" I smile. While we both look up at each other every once in a while. "I feel the same. It's nice to get out of the house for a while." He sighs making my smile brighten and I nod my head in agreement.

1487 Words

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