Chapter Five

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When we all walked into the main hall we got in line and waited to get some breakfast. I chose to get water and a fruit bowl with some yoghurt. "That's not a fun breakfast." Axel jokes as he gets pancakes and loads them with toppings. I notice Collin doing the same. "At least I'm not eating garbage, waffles are superior." I snap as we walk to our table. "This is a fully balanced meal." Axel sticks his tongue out at me.

"Breakfast is over campers." A counsellor announces on a megaphone. "What the fuck, we only just sat down!" Vance shouts but the counsellor doesn't hear him (somehow). I groan and everyone slowly gets up and starts leaving the building, not without Vance kicking the table over though. Slowly our group make our way out of the main hall and we all leave the building. "So what are you guys doing?" Billy asks as he holds Axel's hand in his. "I don't think we have anything planned except for playing some music later and maybe sneaking out again," Bruce answers for all of us.

"Okay then come on you three!" Griffin drags Collin, Billy and Axel away somewhere else. "Meet you guys later." Bruce smiles as he gets dragged away with Vance. "So..." I turn to Robin. "I guess it's just us." He answers with a bright smile on his lips. "Let us go then." I roll my eyes with a smile as he grabs my hands and we both walk on a trail with each other.


When we get back we decide to go and try to find the others. We keep our hands locked together as we look around the campgrounds for the others. We kept on walking around until we found Axel, Billy and Griffin together on the shore of the lake chasing Collin with a... stick? "Hey you guys!" I smile making them all stop and look over at us.

"Hey!" Griffin smiles and waves, running up to as the others follow behind him. "So, what are you two up to?" Billy smiles at us. "We are just walking around, what are you all up to?" Robin asks. "Not much just talking and watching the water. Trying to kill Collin..." Griffin smiles innocently at Collin who wearily takes a few steps back from him. "Well, we will leave you to it then?" I say before both Robin and I start walking our way back onto a dirt trail and I hear a scream and a massive splash before we get to far out of earshot.

We slowly walk until we make it to a random shack. "What is that?" I whisper as we look at the old structure. "No idea..." He mumbles as we stand still in front of it. "Should we go inside?" He whispers. "What! Are you crazy!? That's how all horror movies go, I'm not trying to be killed." I whisper shout to him.

"Come on, where is your sense of adventure." He looks at me with a smile. "I really don't think that is a good idea Robin..." I sigh looking to the side. He uses his free hand to make me look into his eyes. "Come on please! For me?" He smiles making me roll my eyes and huff. This could be fun, or this could be really terrible.

But I mean it has to be safe because why would a summer camp be put near something dangerous? "Fine..." I give in making him smile. He pulls me towards the door. Robin slowly opens the door while I check around to make sure no one is around.

I can't help but have the feeling that both Robin and I are being watched but I don't see anyone. Robin walks in still holding my hand as I follow behind him. I leave the door open just in case and we look around the dark shack. "Woah I think something or someone has been living in here." Robin says letting go of my hand.

I look to where he is walking to and my heart drops. There are blankets and wrappers along with what looks to be a fire pit. "The coals are still glowing." Robin mumbles looking at the fire pit. I can't help but feel like I'm about to puke. "I think we should go." I whisper to him. "I wonder who's been out here?" Robin asks as he looks around more.

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