Chapter Six

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"Oh! You goof. Well, isn't that just peachy keen?" He says to himself as I stop and clutch my bag. "You need some help?" I ask but the man doesn't look up. "You see that?" He asks, holding up a broken eggshell before dropping it again.

"Yeah..." I look down at all his groceries that are now splattered across the pavement. He points over at his black top hat which had fallen off his head when he fell. "Would you hand me my hat?" He asks, I bend down and pick it up before giving it to him as he stands up.

I could see him better now. He was wearing white face paint and thick black sunglasses covering his eyes. He was wearing a red turtleneck with a black button-up over it with black trousers. He had greasy brown hair that went down to his shoulders. He was a weird man.

He puts the top hat on as he stands up, towering over me. "Yes, sir. I am a part-time magician. Would you like to see a magic trick?" He asks with a grin as he shakes a spray can in his hand. "Yeah." I smile, "Yeah?" He repeats and I walk closer to the van and look inside. "Are those black balloons in there?" I ask, trying to see inside better. "Yeah." He stops what he's doing and slides open the door before taking the balloons out. 

The next thing I know he's tying me up with the balloons as I scream for help but he sprays something in my mouth making me stop screaming and he sprays it in my eyes as I am pushed into the van. 

The last thing I see is him sliding the door shut before everything goes black.


I'm not getting out of here. I can't get out of here. Even if there was a way, I'm going to die of thirst soon enough. It feels like I've been down here for years even though it's only been a few days. I hate this place. I hate this uncomfortable mattress. I hate these rusted walls. I hate that window that's too high to reach. I hate those useless carpets. I hate how cold it is. I hate how dirty it is. 

I hate it.

Not that it matters what I like. I'll have to get used to it because I'm not getting out of here. I wonder how long it will take before he decides to just kill me- No. I can't think like that. Otherwise, there is no hope for me.

My head is pounding again. Bashing against my skull. "Stop it." I say to myself. "Stop what?" I instantly sit up and whip my head around to face the man. I see him crouching not too far away from the mattress as I back myself up against the wall but he doesn't move. He just stares at me.

This time he had the top half of his mask off so I could see his eyes. Sometimes it would be the other way around or sometimes he would have the full mask on but I've never seen his full face. 

"I'm hungry, I need food." I gulped, and he tilts his head. "How are your eyes?" He asks. "They hurt." I respond. He pats his hands on his knees as he stands up. "Well, I can't bring you anything to eat. You'll have to wait." He starts walking towards the door and I follow him with my eyes. "Is there someone upstairs who would see you bring me food?" I ask hopefully. "Don't you worry about that." He stops at the door.

"If you weren't gonna feed me why'd you even come down here?" I glare and he turns around to face me, holding the door handle. "Just to look at you." He pauses and my heart drops. "I just wanted to look at you." He says shakily before going upstairs, closing the door behind him.

I try to back myself into the wall, wanting it to swallow me whole. My breath quickens and my heart beats out my chest as I realise just how much worse this is.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏 (𝑇𝐵𝑃)Where stories live. Discover now