Chapter Seven

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Soon enough Collin and Axel are sneaking three of the other boys into our cabins. Vance probably threw something at Collin and Axel before going back to sleep. "What's wrong?" Robin looks at me worried and walks over to hug me. I can't do anything but cry as I tightly wrap my arms around him not wanting to let him go. "What's going on?" Griffin asks tiredly, looking at the other boys in the cabin. "We think it has something to do with what they saw in the woods..." Axel mumbles hugging Billy's side. "Look guys I want to believe I do but I don't think this is anything you should be worried about." Collin sighs.

Robin sighs as his body tenses. "Do you need to fucking see it or something to believe us?" Robin says in a frustrated voice while glaring at him. "Because I have no fucking problem taking you there myself."' He says making me freeze. "No, you can't go Robin." I shake my head. "No, it's pissing me off that he doesn't believe me, same with Vance, if you're such a fucking sceptic then let's fucking go right now. Bring Vance so he can see too." He yells.

Vance suddenly busts through the door. Looking angrier than usual. "What the fuck are you all yelling about? It's giving me a fucking headache." He says groggily. Crossing his arms over his chest, leaning back on the doorway glaring at us all. Bruce looks over at him and sighs. "Since you and Collin don't believe Robin and Finney about the forest thing, Robin wants to take you two there to see it for yourselves." He says looking down. Vance just stares at Robin with a blank face.

"What too scared now?" Robin taunts, crossing his arms over his chest. "What? No fucking way." Vance scoffs and glares at him. "Fine then, let's go." He nods his head at the door, standing up. "No, Robin please." I grab his shoulder. "We need them to believe so if I have to take them there myself then I will." I shake my head. I let go of Robin and stand up. "Let's all go there," Collin says quickly. "Fine then, let's go." Robin scoffs.

I look over to the rest of the group and they just shrug. Robin looks over at me. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." He says, quieter than he was before. I'd feel safer if I went with him. "No, I'll go. I don't want something to happen to you all when I'm not there." I whisper making him nod his head, "Good, I don't want to leave you here by yourself." Robin says before grabbing my hand.

"I think we should prepare ourselves first," I mumble to Robin as everyone puts on something warmer since it's a bit chilly tonight. "By doing what, it's not like we casually bring weapons around with us?" Robin says with a laugh. "Well, I do so I'm not taking any chances." I sigh as I grab my duffle bag and slip on a hoodie and some socks.

"So what do you have?" He questions as I put on my Converse. "I have pepper spray, a taser, scissors, and a switchblade." I shrug my shoulders. "Well, I guess if anything does go wrong it would be best to have those." He shrugs. "Exactly so I'm bringing them," I say as I pocket my black taser, scissors and pepper spray. Then I grab my switchblade and give it to Robin. "We will keep the switchblade and the other ones get the taser, the pepper spray, and these scissors," I instruct while putting my duffle bag away.

Robin nods his head and we both head out quietly making sure we don't make a loud noise. "Took you forever." Vance huffs. I just roll my eyes. "Here." I hand the taser to Axel and the pepper spray to Collin. "We all travel in groups," I say before giving Vance a pair of scissors that he breaks into two separate knives instead. "Jesus you act like we are preparing for the zombie apocalypse." Collin rolls his eyes.

"Maybe because there is a fucking maniac in the damn forest!" I exclaim a little too loudly making Robin cover my mouth. "Just be happy and move on." Robin glares at both Collin and I. We all sneak away from our cabins and both Robin and I quietly lead the group to the trail. "I'm scared," I whisper to Robin. "I know, but we're gonna be okay." He chuckles as he grabs my hand tightly.

I turn back to the group and sigh as Robin keeps on walking with me. "No matter what, we do not leave anyone behind," I whisper to them. "Okay," Griffin answers as he tightly grips Collin's arm. "You squeeze any tighter I'll lose circulation in my arm." Collin jokes trying to calm him a bit. "Fuck off, this is scary ass shit bitch." He mumbles and Collin just rolls his eyes.

"Come on guys it will be okay, you got big strong men to protect you we don't need to be scared," Billy says in a cocky tone. "Is this really the best time to be joking about?" Axel comments. "Sure it is, this is the best time to joke around." Billy shrugs his shoulders. "Whatever you say." Bruce sounds annoyed at this point. We all keep on walking until both Robin and I stop in our tracks making the others stop. My breath hitches in my throat as I look at the shack which is lit up on the inside.

"What?" Axel asks a little loud making both Robin and I shush him. We move a bit so the others can see the shack. "Oh fuck no," Griffin whispers while moving closer to Collin. "You were right," Collin admits while looking. Vance stays silent and you can tell he's starting to believe a little. "Come on." Robin motions for the rest to follow us.

We all quietly walk to the shack making sure we are all quiet. We make it to a side window and we all crouch down. "Why don't you do the honours, Vance. Look in first." Robin whispers. "Sure whatever." He grumbles, rolling his eyes. He makes sure he's crouched down low but can still see inside.

He looks in and whatever he sees makes his whole body tense up. "What is it?" Axel whispers. He looks back towards us with a pale face and wide eyes. "That's not a fucking counsellor..." He mumbles as he looks at us. "Let me see," I whisper as I switch places with him and go to look in. Once when I do I have to cover my mouth to muffle my gasp.

There is a fully grown man sitting on his knees on the dirty wooden floor, eating a raw squirrel while the mask sits next to him and there is a rusty, bloody axe laying on the floor near him. "We need to go now," I whisper as I turn to the others. "What is it?" Billy asks. "It doesn't matter we need to fucking go right now," I whisper yell. "Wait, Finney, you need to get a picture so you can show whatever this is to the counsellors." Axel comments.

I sigh and nod my head and I pull out my phone. I quickly get onto the camera and take a picture of what is in the shack before we all decide to book it. As we all run away Axel and Billy trip making a big ruckus. "Come on." I hiss. Before I know it the door to the shack opens and the shadow of the man in the mask looms over the forest which terrifies us all.

"We have to go. Run!" I yell to the others. Axel and Billy quickly get up and we all run as fast as we can away from the shack and back to the camp. When we get far away from the shack we stop for a moment. We are all panting heavily. "Wait everyone shut up," Bruce instructs us all. We all quiet down and realize there is no noise at all. "We need to go," Bruce whispers to us. We all keep on running until we get into Robin's cabin which is closer than ours. We quickly run in and shut the door behind us, Robin locks the door and we all start moving furniture in front of the door to barricade it.

I look around quickly to make sure everyone is inside. Before we know it there is loud banging coming from the other side of the door. I pull up the corner of the curtain and peek outside. It's one of the counsellors, Rebekah. "Hey campers, you're supposed to be in bed." She shouts. We all start panicking because of how loud she is but I look behind her and I see the man slowly creeping towards her in front of the woods. "Rebekah watch out, behind you!" I yell. 

The others notice and try to warn her as well but she doesn't listen until the man comes up to her and stabs her in the neck with the axe. Slicing it clean off her shoulders as her limp body folds onto the ground, her head drops next to it as blood oozes out of her body, making a horrible squelching sound. Her arm twitched slightly. Her eyes open wide almost as if she's in shock.

I let out a choked breath while the others cover their mouth in horror or just stand there petrified. It was way too familiar. We all duck down and hide out of view from the window. Griffin and Axel cry as quietly while Collin and Billy try to comfort them. I sit there in shock and terror as Robin sits next to me limply, his eyes wide and mouth open in shock. I turn to Robin with wide eyes as tears fall from them slowly down my face.

"What do we do, he might still be out there," I whisper to him quietly while he wipes away my tears. "We need to tell the camp director as soon as it's morning but until then we just have to wait it out." He answers back with a solemn voice making me nod my head in agreement. I slowly rest my head on his shoulder, shaking still. He takes his hand in mine tightly and rests his head onto of mine. 

1758 Words

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