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Sunlight was vying to enter a luxurious room through a window that was only covered with light cloth curtains. Noisy voices outside accompanied by birds chirping began to be heard. It made someone who was in bed with a blanket wrapped around his body until his chest began to be disturbed. His body moved to find comfort so he could sleep again. After a few seconds he started to feel comfortable, but as he continued sleeping he started to notice something.

He began to slowly open his eyes which felt very heavy, when they slowly opened and some light began to dazzle his eyes he began to blink his eyes rapidly. Hands immediately held his head when he felt his head very dizzy and sore. When he was about to get up, he realized that one of his hands was stuck in an infusion tube line that was connected to a pole beside the bed.

He was stunned with astonishment, then his eyes frantically looked in all directions starting from the wall that was in front of the mattress that was his place, on both sides of the right and left he was on and lastly the parts of his body. He just noticed that his clothes had changed, his body had been cleaned and even his wounds had been treated.

"W-where am I hiks....? Did they find me hiks... and take me to be used as a gratification hiks...?" He said starting to cry in fear as he hugged his knees shaking, his head on his knees as he continued to cry.

"P-pa help Rain hiks..., R-Rain hiks... Rain should have hiks...to die accompany hiks..." Yes, he is Rain, the last time he fainted under the pouring rain and who had given up on his life, now he's here in a very bad condition backwards. Rain was very afraid of what would happen to him after this, when he found himself in this state.

Rain continued to cry while hugging his knees and announcing the words while sobbing and stammering. And when he heard a sound like footsteps running away from behind the door of the closed room he was in, he started to pick him up which was filled with tears and started screaming.

"G-get me out of here, old man! W-what did you do hiks to my father". Rain screamed in a sobbing voice while stuttering and reaching for objects that were nearby and started throwing them in front of the closed bedroom door. Rain continued to scream and throw things in front of the door, until when he heard the sound of several footsteps running hurriedly towards the room he was in, he stopped when he smelled the strong pheromone scent of the sandalwood tree which was countered by the pine he smelled before he passed out yesterday.

The pheromone's fragrance was so intoxicating that he even forgot what was going on with him. Rain kept kissing and sniffing him in the air and following the scent that would soon get close to him. He was so impatient but just as he was about to get out of bed to look for the scent, he realized he had forgotten something a while ago. Rain started to put up his cheeks so he could come back to his senses and tried desperately to hold back the pheromone scent that was starting to approach him. He started crying and screaming even louder and throwing things again.

"Get me out of here old man! Let me go hiks.....!!!!" Rain shouted while throwing things towards the closed door.

The door opened in a hurry with the strong smell of pheromone wafting in, Rain fell silent and felt his body stiffen and shiver. The item he just threw hit Phayu who was at the door. Phayu rushed and ran very fast towards his room when one of the bodyguards guarding Rain informed him that his omega had regained consciousness, followed by several bodyguards behind him. But when he opened the door, he was hit by an item thrown by his omega. He caught him and then pushed him away by leaving him on the floor beside him standing.

Rain's heart was beating fast with blood flowing very quickly to the nerves of his brain, his breath was ragged as his brown eyes met the black eyes of the night sky which were very sharp and piercing. Phayu also feels the same way, his omega looks at him with big innocent brown eyes. Phayu didn't expect that his eyes would be so beautiful when he opened them, he became aware of his surroundings again when he heard his omega treating his illness.

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