The plan

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Once me and Ooma reached Hyrule field, we took off our Yiga outfits and got into our casual clothes. I put on my f/c Hylian tunic and my Hylian pants and boots. Ooma was wearing traditional Hylian clothes as well but her tunic was purple and she had her black hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Alright so what's the plan?" Ooma asked as we were walking down the dirt road that lead to castletown.

"I was up all night thinking about it. I don't think it would be wise to make a direct attack on Link. Instead, I believe we need to lower his guard and strike him while he's vulnerable." I explained my thinking to Ooma while she watched me intently.

"How are we going to do that?" Ooma look up at me with her quizzical brown eyes, that were usually darting all around, never keeping still, but right now her eyes were directly focused on me.

I thought for a moment before once again breaking the silence, "We need to earn his trust, but how?"

"Maybe we could help him in someway?" Ooma suggested, at this point we were barely walking as we were too focused on this plan.

"Yes, yes. Um maybe we..." My mind was blanking on how we could help Link.

"Get him supplies?" Ooma chimed in with another idea.

"No that would be too suspicious." I shot down her suggestion.

"Maybe..." Even Ooma seemed to have run out of ideas now.

"I've got it!" I shouted as an idea popped into my head.

"What is it? Quick tell me!" Ooma asked impatiently.

"We save him. All we have to do is lure him into some kind of danger and then save him from it." I explained.

"But once we save him won't he just go on his way?" Ooma asked, unsure of how well thought out my plan was.

"That's simple, all we do is just say we're going where ever he's going and then we can travel together." I reassured Ooma that this plan would work and now she seemed onboard.

"Alright, lets do this!" Ooma's spirits seemed lifted once again and so were my own, maybe this won't go as bad as I had thought it would when I was first sent on this mission.

 -Time Skip-

After finalizing the plan, me and Ooma camped outside the Castletown walls, we were sure that at some point Link would travel by and we would be able to finally put our plan into action. Now it was just a waiting game and every minute seemed to go on forever.

We took it in turns sleeping through the night and saw nothing but when the sun rose Ooma got up and joined me on look out duty and only an hour after sunrise we saw him. Ooma spotted him immediately and began to whisper to me but I just zoned her out.

Yes Link had just come out of castletown but more importantly, he was following the lead of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her long blonde hair reached down to her waist but it was gently waving in the morning breeze that blew past. Each strand of her blonde hair looked like a thread of pure gold worth more then my entire life.

As she walked ahead of the hero, her big green eyes, like priceless emeralds, surveyed the scenery quizzically as if she was looking where to go. The woman was wearing a quilted royal blue and white blouse with gold detailing and on her lower half she was wearing black fitted pants and thick brown leather boots.

At first I didn't recognize her but as she came more into view, I realized it was Princess Zelda and obviously Link was following her as he was her appointed knight. How could I be so stupid as to forget about the Princess in our plan?

Heart of the Yiga (Princess Zelda x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now