A long walk

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When I woke up this morning I knew what was ahead of me. I knew that in just a few hours we would be making camp again and it would be our last stop before reaching Zora's Domain. I knew that I had to kill Link tonight...

When I got dress and headed out of the tent I felt a shiver run down my spine. After living most of my life in Gerudo desert in the Yiga Clan hideout, I was used to mornings being boiling hot but out here, there was a cool morning breeze that tickled my skin with frosty fingers.

When I got up both Ooma and Princess Zelda were awake and had already packed up. Now we were just waiting on Link however Zelda told us Link was a deep sleeper and often over slept, which meant we might have been waiting there for a while. I decided to prepare breakfast myself and hopefully the smells of food would call the knight from his deep slumber.

It seemed to work because not long after I began cooking some breakfast, Link came out the tent, his blonde hair in a mess, not tied back like usual and his eyelids half closed as if he was both awake and asleep.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Zelda giggled as she saw the half asleep hero stumbling out of the tent towards us.

Link just grunted before sitting down next to Zelda and across from me.

I nodded to Link with a half smile and he reciprocated the nod however his mouth stayed closed and straight not even the slightest curve in his lips as he surveyed the food I was cooking. I couldn't tell if he was judging it like some strange food critic would or if he was trying to see if it was safe for eating, either way after a minute of staring, he sat back and the ends of his straight lips curled just enough to be seen.

It was obvious that Link was rarely cooked for but he seemed hesitantly excited at the idea of not have to cook for once. I just hoped I didn't disappoint him, if today goes right, this will be the last breakfast Link ever eats.

As I watched him eat, a sense of guilt and sadness washed over me. This is why I never get close to the people I kill, if you never know them, you never know what the world just lost but when you're up close to them, watching them, seeing what they do, even the smallest qualities can make you feel so guilty for killing them. I just have to remember it's for the Yiga Clan.

After eating, we packed up camp and began the long journey. I swear every second was an hour when walking with Link, I new that ever step we took was one step closer to the campsite where I would kill Link.

I closed my eyes tightly, trying to forget what I would be doing tonight and enjoy the beautiful scenery around us as we walked through dense forests, open fields and tall mountains. But it didn't work, when I opened my eyes I'd see Link or the Princess, both constant reminders of the act that would be taking place tonight. Ooma wasn't helping with the situation either.

"It's good Link is a deep sleeper." She leaned over and whispered to me as we continued to walk as a group.

I looked at her a little confused before I caught onto what she was implying. The fact that he was a heavier sleeper would make it easier to kill him in his sleep and make tonight's task a lot easier. I don't know if that made me feel better or worse about tonight.

My brain went round in circles like this for hours or maybe only minutes, I don't know but either was the walk felt like an eternity, every step bringing us closer to a place I hoped I would never reach, although I knew my destination was inevitable. Tonight I would kill the hero.

I was snapped out of these thoughts by a familiar soft voice. I looked around, my eyes meeting with the emerald eyes of Princess Zelda, she was looking at me with a little concern in her eyes although her overall demeanour seemed relaxed.

"Are you alright Y/n?" She asked softly, her delicate lips forming the formal accent that made her voice so adorable to me.

"Y-yes." I nodded, stuttering as I tried to bring my attention back to the real world, instead of the minor details of Zelda.

"I was just wondering if you knew where Ooma went?" Zelda asked.

I looked around the thick woods we had found ourselves in. To be honest I hadn't even noticed she had gone anywhere however I was almost certain I knew what she was doing. Ooma would often go and meet with other Yiga and keep them updated on our missions so that our progress could be reported back to Master Kohga and I suspected this mission would be no different.

"Oh um... She often walks off when I'm journeying with her, I don't question it, she always meets back up with me later in the walk." I explained, trying to cover Ooma and get Zelda off our backs.

"I see." Zelda said before turning her attention back to the road ahead of us, "She's just an adventurous soul." Zelda smiled. I'm sure Zelda felt much the same about the world and probably related to the idea of wanting to go off and explore.

After that brief conversation with Zelda, our walk fell mostly silent, only the occasional conversation between me and Zelda. Link remaining silent as always.

Eventually Ooma met back up with us and fortunately no one questioned her thanks to what I had said.

Although the day may have felt like the longest day of travel in my life, we eventually decided to stop for the night and set up our camp. We did the same as the previous night however I gathered fire wood this time and Zelda and Ooma went to find food while Link started the fire and put up the tents.

Link cooked another great meal and we enjoyed each other's company for another night. Zelda was the first to head to bed and Ooma followed not long after but before she left she made sure to whisper in my ear a reminder of what I had to do tonight.

I gritted my teeth at the thought before Ooma headed to bed. That left just me and Link.

This was going to be a long night, I just knew it...

Hey everyone thanks for reading my story so far. Sorry that this part took so long to come out and wasn't that long, I've just been a little busy lately. I'll try to keep more regular updates if I can but no promises. BYE!!!

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