A much needed rest

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We were running. Each of my steps thudded against the hard dirt pathway that lead to Zora's Domain. Link was much more light footed than me, running ahead of me and Zelda to make sure there were no monsters who might jump out at us.

Other than a few keese, the journey had been mostly safe and Link had made quick work of them while I held Zelda close, making sure no one could harm her any further.

Adrenalin was rushing through my body and this made the rush to Zora's Domain go by far faster than expected. With both me and Link running as fast as we could, our stamina was running low but Link had some stamina boosting elixirs that he had cooked a few nights ago.

He pulled the glass bottles out his bag and passed one to me. I looked at the bubbling liquid cautiously before gulping down the thick elixir.

Once we had both finished drinking the thick liquid, we felt a huge serge of energy and we were able to make the last push to Zora's Domain. Any time I felt I couldn't go on, I'd glance down at Princess Zelda, her eyes closed and her cheeks stained with tears. That was the only motivation I needed to get to Zora's Domain.

From a distance we saw the Domain, its grand architecture making it stand out against a skyline of mountains. The large blue structures were covered in detailed carvings and designs. It was a beautiful place but we had no time to admire it right now.

"Help! Help! Please we need help!" I shouted as I ran into the Domain.

Guards stood at the archway that lead into the Domain but when they saw me carrying the Princess, they let us straight through. It was still night, the sun had barely begun to rise and so there seemed to be no one awake in the peaceful Domain.

Although the lack of people around and the beautiful architecture of the Domain created a serine atmosphere, it was hard to enjoy it as the Princess bled out in my arms.

I looked down at her sleeping face, strands of her hair had fallen over her face in the panic and rush of the night. Her eyelids were gently closed, making her appear peaceful in her sleep. I hoped she was.

"Follow me Y/n." Link said before gesturing up the stairs.

I followed the hero as he lead us to the closed door. The door was quite large and seemed somewhat important. We waited patiently as Link knocked on the door...

It felt like forever until the door opened just a crack and I heard a muffled conversation between Link and whoever was on the other side of the door. Right after Link finished his sentence, the door swung open, revealing a red Zora, she was very short and she had big amber eyes that stared at me and the Princess worryingly.

"Come on in, quick." The Zora spoke softly but with great urgency.

I carried Princess Zelda into the room and lay her gently down on the Zora's bed. As I stepped away from the side of the bed, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that we had got Zelda safely to the Domain. Now it was just up to whoever this was to save Zelda.

I watched intently as the Zora unwrapped the poorly applied bandage before pulling up part of the Princess' top, exposing her midriff and giving a better view of the wound. The Zora moved her small red hand over the wound before a blue light began to emit from it. The glowing energy seemed to move into the wound and begin to recreate the very skin, muscle and blood the the Princess had lost.

"What?" I muttered in shock as I saw this miraculous healing taking place.

Link explained to me that the Zora's name was Princess Mipha and she had the ability to heal even the most fatal wounds. I was very impressed by Mipha's skills and was more than thankful for what she had done.

Although Mipha had been able to heal the wound completely, Zelda was still asleep and would need to rest to regain her strength. 

"It was nice to meet you Y/n." Mipha smiled softly as she looked at me from across the bedroom.

"It was nice to meet you to Princess." I tried my best to smile in return.

After are brief exchange, Mipha looked over to Link, a small blush spreading across the Zora's cheeks. She walked over to the door before looking back over her shoulder at Link.

I watched as Link and Mipha both walked out the room together, leaving me alone by the side of the Princess. It was quiet and the sun had barely started to rise so it was still dark in Zora's Domain.

Zelda looked so pretty as she slept and I couldn't help but admire her natural beauty. Although I tried to stay awake, eventually I fell asleep, my head resting on the bed as I slumped over in a chair.

I was awoken by a touch. I sat up as I felt a hand gently rubbing my own. I blinked a few times as the world around me became clear once again and I saw Princess Zelda smiling softly as she sat up in the bed.

Her hand was resting on my own as she woke me up with a gentle touch.

"Princess?" I asked, almost in shock that she was actually awake.

"Yes it's me." Zelda giggled at my half awake excitement.

"Thank the goddesses." I said.

"No. Thank you." Zelda corrected me.

I scratched the back of my head and avoided her gaze as I felt a little embarrassed, "It was mostly Mipha and Link. I didn't do much." I explained.

"You saved me from the Yiga Clan. That's not nothing Y/n." Zelda insisted as she gently rubbed my hand with her fingers once again.

"Yes, well, about that... So I was, you know..." I couldn't form the words in my mouth because my lip trembled at the thought of the Princess rejecting me and casting me away to a dungeon or something.

"A Yiga?" Zelda finished my sentence.

I nodded shamefully and looked down at the ground to avoid Zelda's emerald green gaze. "They raised me since I was a baby, I never knew any better... Until I met you."

"It's okay Y/n, we all make mistakes, the important part is that we learn from them. And anyway, I can see that your heart is true and I trust you completely." Zelda's words filled my heart with joy and my stomach with butterflies.

"Thank you Zelda. Thank you so much." After our conversation, we sat in silence for a while but with the peaceful atmosphere I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Y/n." Zelda broke the silence.

My eyes met her gaze, "yes?" I asked softly.

"You should get some rest, why don't you come lay next to me." Zelda suggested.

"W-w-what!? I can't share a bed with a Princess." I stuttered as I felt the heat rush to my face.

"Oh Y/n, there's plenty of room." Zelda giggled as she saw my blushing face.

Her giggle was so adorable and that didn't help my situation. "Alright fine." I said before climbing onto the bed with her. We were both fully clothed but I still felt so nervous.

"Relax Y/n." Zelda whispered before laying her head on my chest and closing her eyes.

My heart began to race as I felt the Princess resting on me, although it soon calmed down as I relaxed and enjoyed the warmth of Zelda's body so close to mine. We were both to worn out to care about the awkwardness of the situation.

We didn't say anything else, there was nothing else to say, we just drifted back to sleep as we lay close together. It was heaven on earth.

However this blissful moment came crashing down once I fell into the world of dreams and an all too familiar nightmare came to haunt me.

It starts with a memory of me with my parents, every thing seems great until they're gone, just like usual however unlike usual, this time I see my parents as blurry shapes attack and kill them! I was unable to identify who or what attacked and killed them but at least now I know that they didn't abandon me but they were killed.

Just like normal the nightmare ended with Master Kohga carrying me back to the Yiga hideout. Then I woke up...

Heart of the Yiga (Princess Zelda x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now