chapter twenty-five;;

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It struck me how close we were to home, and I was sick to my stomach. Nick, who had taken the liberty of walking around shirtless, asked if I wanted something to eat. I declined. If I put anything in my tummy, it was coming right back out. Noting my worry, He set down his butter toast and walked up behind me, arms wrapping around my waist, " what's wrong?"

He could read me like a book. Leaning back against him, I sighed, " I don't know if I want to go home." Admittedly, I felt selfish for telling him. Maybe he was ready to get back to his house, sleep in his own bed, and blare his indie rock. How would I know? I could only read his mind half of the time.

I could hear his smile in his voice, and I knew just as well that it was crooked, " I couldn't agree more Angel."

I could have melted into him. It seemed like living, breathing, being with Nick was all easier in the van, in California. While I loved the gridlock compact buildings and flocks of people, the vast space of the ocean and the idea of being free with Nick was simply too inviting. Turning in his arms, I pushed him back a step and smiled, " go make me some toast and jelly."

He shot me a solute, " yes sir!"

I glared at him, hard. Laughing, he held up his hands in defense, " ma'am, ma'am, I swear I meant ma'am."

Nodding, I hummed, " mhm. You're off the hook this time, Arson."

He merely winked. As he went to work on my toast, I let my eyes drag over his shirtless frame. It was almost unholy, the way fine muscles took it upon themselves to fabricate his figure. Lean yet toned - hell yes. As he prepared - not made, prepared - toast for me, I walked up behind him and allowed myself to fall into his back, arms locking around his waist. I could smell vanilla bean and apples on him, along with the guyish sent of aftershave; in short, he smelled magnificent and i loved it. He smiled, arching a brow at my questionable behavior, " You sure you're okay, Angel?"

" wondrous." I replied, forehead against his spine. He was warm when I was cold, and that alone was something worth living for.

Even with me leeched around him, he grabbed a yellow paper plate and tossed some generously buttered toast on it, " go sit on the couch."

With a sigh, I stepped backwards and into the couch. It was itchy under my thighs, something I had grown used to. He handed me my plate, along with a glass of orange juice, so I pulled my my legs and used my lap as a makeshift table. He had already eaten, heading to the room to get dressed. I stopped him, " Arson."

He turned, leaning somewhat on the wall as he did. I motioned with my hand for him to step away from it. He did, and I gave him one last one-over, " okay, you're free to go."

He smiled, dashing and crooked, before shaking his head and chuckling softly. When I finished, I threw away my plate and washed my hands, switching out with Nick to get changed. His 'renegades' t-shirt knew what it was doing on his frame, along with his black jeans and naturally untied boots. I noted the missing batman beanie.

Changing into a crop top with thick straps and a white x that had flowers in it, I topped it off with some light blue shorts before slipping on my converse and pulling my hair back in an awkward ponytail/bun, walking through the cabin and falling into the passenger seat. I flipped down the sun visor, opened the front compartment and grabbed my mascara, making my already dark eyelashes darker.

Nick in the driver's side, batman beanie on my head, I was suddenly reminded of when we were driving down that road the first time. I could remember the gut twisting hatred I thought I had developed toward Nick, along with the way it so easily gave to liking. That time with Arson, all of it, was needed. Without it, I wouldn't have realized how much I needed him, nor how much he needed me. Without the van, or the trip, or my grandma, he'd still have those holes in his chest where organs were supposed to be, but people had taken them away. I was giving those back, and whatever organs were missing from me were coming back too. Suddenly, I reached my hand across the console. I needed to touch him, to know that he needed me just as much as I needed him.

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