Chapter Ten;;

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" If you don't get up, i'm shoving sand in your mouth."

This was new for me, standing over Nick's body, his limps sprawled out around him. He groaned, his distaste in waking up proving very obvious. I shifted to the left so sunlight would hit his face. He groaned and rolled onto his right side, curling closing to himself.

Usually, he was an early riser, getting me up with the smell of pancakes and old rock tunes. A frown etched it's way into my face. I didn't like waking him up, especially at ten in the morning when he normally would have been up two or three hours ago, " What's your problem Arson? Get your lazy ass up."

His eyebrows drew together, and his mouth was set in a hard line. I sighed, and sat on his hip, " Fine, i'll just wait here then."

He let out a growl, and rolled, shoving me off himself, and sitting up. I dusted sand off my thighs, then stood and brushed it off my butt, before shooting Nick the death glare, " what the hell?"

" What the hell? i'm trying to sleep Angel." He shot back, his tone a bit husky and cold.

" Do you know what time it is?" I fired, not amused. My arms crossed over my chest, and to be honest, i'm a little sorry to admit my hip swished out just slightly. I was going into major bitch mode.

" i'm guessing you'll tell me." He rolled his eyes.

I barked, " ten in the morning, and i'm waking you up."

He gave me a stone glare, anger burning so deep in his eyes that I loosened my hard front and my bottom lip slacked out just faintly. His voice was low and a bit shakey as he spoke, " Well forgive me Angel. I didn't fucking realize I was suppose to wake up every morning at god knows when to get your sorry ass up." He stood, " I won't forget next time."

I stared at him like he was a completely different person, while he packed everything up and shoved it in the trunk of the car. Thowing me an energy bar, he muttered, " Get in."

I slid into the passenger side, numbly nibbling at the energy bar while we buckled up and he started the mustang. Pulling onto the rode he was scary silent as we drove. I didn't know where the shift came from, why he was on such a thin wire all the sudden. I clenched my teeth, unsure what to say or how to get the words out of my mouth.

Finally, I said, " what's wrong?"

He sighed, and shook his head, " It's nothing Angel."

" tell me." I insisted, my voice sounding a lot softer than I would have liked.

" I just... didn't sleep well." He focused on the road, his brows drawing together faintly.

I looked out the window again, watching the sea of sand roll by. I still didn't know what to say. Or how to aproach him while he was acting like this. Normally, it didn't matter what I said to him. He was fine, a rainbow stone wall build for sarcastic comments, batman, and old rock.

Right now, he wasn't a rainbow. It fact, he had been careless about the way he positioned his beanie. Normally, the symbol would be in the front, not off the the side, like it currently was, " stop the car."

He shot me a funny look, " why?"

" Because I said so."

" well, I guess if that's the best reason i'm getting." He hit the brakes, gently, and slowed us, moving to the side of the road. I got out, and motioned for him to follow suit. After a moment of hesitation, he did. Standing their in a black t-shirt, grey jeans, and his boots, he had height on me. I had to reach up, but this had to be done.

I shifted his beanie, while he watched me wide eyed, " what are you doing?"

" The batman symbol..." I started, mid fix, " It's not centered. You prefer it centered." Something about his features changed. They softened faintly, and the hint of a smile touched the right side of his face. He reached up, took my hands, and moved them back to me, before taking his beanie, and putting it on perfectly straight.

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