chapter fourteen;;

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They did indeed call. It was all about what to do with the body and the funeral and asking if we were okay. I wasn't. Nick knew all the words. I guessed it was because he had gone through the motions before. That was a sad thought.

I myself felt dead inside. I knew it was going to happen but I hadn't expected myself to take it so hard. The hardest part was the fact that I was truly alone. I was the last person in my family and when I got married my last name wouldn't be a thing anymore unless I had some cousins I didn't know about somewhere.

She wanted to be donated to science. It was her idea that if she could help the future than she would in any way possible. The doctors said her body wouldn't be much help. Guessing her second option was cremation, that's what I said. I guessed she'd have to forgive me sooner or later.

Nick had brought me icecream at some point in the day but I didn't feel like getting out of bed unless I had to use the restroom. I didn't mind talking, I just talked quietly because anything too loud was too abrubt. I never ate the icecream.

We had made the decision that the funeral would be in two days. Two days to plan. I knew her favorite flower, her favorite color. I knew what songs my mother wanted at grandma's funeral so I chose those. Nick sat next to me on the bed while I went through the options. He helped make it devine for her.

He wasn't horribly quiet. He knew what to say and when, and he had other things to attend to as well, all the stuff I couldn't handle. I wasn't weak, but at that point in my life I couldn't do anything.

After cleaning the bowl of icecream and picking up the ashes, he said, " Let's go out, do something. You need to get out of this room."

" I'm fine right here." I said, burried under a blanket.

He put the remander of my grandmother in the kitchen then ripped the blankets from my sweat clothes covered body, " Get dressed."

" It's like, ten p.m."

" I don't care. Up. Now."

I sighed, and rolled my body out of the bed. It was all painful. I hadn't moved for a good amount of hours. Changing into a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a black tank top, I said, " alright." I was shameless in front of him, which made me feel awkward after I had changed.

He wore a grey slightly v-neck t-shirt and black jeans, his boots unlaced and his batman beanie scary straight on his head. Without telling me where we were going, he lead us to the car. I got in and he started driving, " where are we going?"

He looked at my in the review mirror than stopped at a park. I followed him out then gave him a crazy look, " a park."

" Sometimes childish things are the best things." He said. While his statement made sense, it didn't feel like it should make sense.

He walked straigh to the swings and sat down. I followed suit. We both started swinging, and i took this time to ask, " what was it like?"

" What like?"

" losing them. Your parents."

He sighed, long and low, before saying, " I've told you before."

" You told me how you handled it."

" That's not the same thing?" He said.

" It sort of is."

" I told you what it's like too."

I sighed, " I mean.... I mean what was it like to see the people around you change. did they change towards you?"

He shrugged, looking out at the few trees in the park. A few of them were lit by a blue-toned light, " I guess. some people acted nicer. the people at school tended to stay away. I was explosive."

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