3. Last days here

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Antonella's P.O.V.

My last days here.

Right now I'm packing my clothes and the items I want to take with me, which includes the futbol decor I have on display. I realized this is gonna take awhile so I played my playlist.

I'm actually very excited to go to barcelona. Yes of course i'm gonna miss my life over here, but who doesn't like to start fresh, make new memories and new friends? I find it very exciting, also because i'm gonna play for my dream team, ever since I was little it's been my dream to play for Barcelona. I've always been a fan and have never imagined myself playing for this team. I'm also gonna be playing with one of my goats. Alexia Putellas. I love her so much, when I first saw her play for Barça in 2012 I fell in love with the way she playes.

Hours later

I was finishing up packing when I got a message from Diego.


is anyone else home?😭
i've been ringing your doorbell for 10 minutes and i can hear your music from all the way down here💀

Oh shit srry😅 I was packing and forgot u were coming
and no, no one else is come

alr can u hurry up and open the door?😭
i need to fucking use the bathroom and ur ass can't huryy up

i wassss gonna open the door, but now i think i wont🤔


fine i will


I gave myself a face palm. My dumbass self forgot that Diego was coming over at 5. We decided to finally hangout again and to catch up. I thought it was a great idea since the last time we actually talk other than yesterday was months ago. So I guess we're restarting? I don't know, something like that.

So I went to go open the door. That's when I saw him all wet. I didn't even notice it was raining and I made him wait. I feel so fucking stupid.

"Hii Diego."

"Hey Anto, are you gonna let me in?" He said laughing.

"Oh shit yea, sorry for making you stay outside in the rain. Go use the bathroom and i'll bring you clothes you can change into."

"Thanks anto." So he went into to the bathroom, and I went upstairs to get him his clothes. I had forgotten he left clothes here actually. I forgot I never threw them away after what happend. I guess I thought he would agree to hangout with me those weeks but he never did. I went downstairs and knock on the bathroom door.

"DIEGO!" I yelled

"Antonella, what the fuck?!" He said laughing. "Por que estas gritando? Te puedo escuchar claramente." ("Why are you screaming? I can hear you clearly.") He opened the door.

Hasta la muerte | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now