9. Arcade

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Antonella's P.O.V

Todays Pedri and Gavi asked me to go with to an arcade with some of the players on the team. They said it would be a good opportunity to get to know them more and to meet their girlfriends, so I decided I was gonna go.

So I got ready, I took a shower, did my makeup and put on my outfit. I was tidying my room when I heard my phone ringing, I didn't check who it was but I still answered.


"Hey Nutell-" Then I heard a burst of laughter. "Sorry about that, but we're outside."

"Okay, i'll go out now. Bye" And then Ic cut the call and made my way outside. I entered the car and sat in the backseat. "Hey guys."

"Anto we just talked to you on the phone."

"I know but it's polite to say hi, duh. Also what were y'all to laughing about?" They starred at each other then said. "Nothing." I gave them a look.

"So Nutella! What do you think about arcades? Do you like them? Have you even gone to one?"

"Yes I have, I would go with my friends."

"Oh shit, I actually forgot you had friends back in mexico." He said laughing.

"Pendejo." They gave me a confused look. "What the fuck is a Pendejo?" Pedri asked.

"It means asshole, or idiot. Which is exactly what Gavi is."

"That's so fucking rude!"

"Your the one who started it and said I had no friends!"

"I was joking, duh."

"And what makes you think I wasn't either?"

"Hey, both of you calm down, or i'm leaving y'all on the side of the road."

"Fine." Then Gavi turned to me. "You never answered the rest of my questions."

"Oh right. I think arcades are pretty fun. I would go sometimes with Kevin, Diego and vale when we weren't at the ice cream shop or at the field."

"That's nice." Gavi said.

"And how are they like?" Asked Pedri.

"Well, Kevin is nice. He's the one that makes a lot of jokes, but he's kind and looks after people, so is valentina, and Diego, well, he can be nice when he wants to be, but he's okay."

"That's nice."

"Yup. Oh, who else is going to the arcade?"

"Ferran and his girlfriend, Frenkie and his girlfriend, Balde and the other Pablo." I nodded. After 10 minutes we finally got there. We went inside and we found everyone. Gavi and Pedri said hi to everyone and I was just standing there awkwardly, then Gavi noticed me. "Guys!" They looked towards me and him.

"As you may know, this is Antonella. Antonella this is...Everyone?" I laughed at him then said hello to everyone. We then agreed we were gonna go play games first so we split up, Frenkie with his girl, same with Ferran, Pedri, Alejandro and the other Pablo went together and I went with Gavi.

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