13. Diego

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Antonella's P.O.V.


I'm scared to know what he wants. But I can't ignore him so I call him. He picks up.


"Antonella, what the fuck?" Damn it. I knew this wasn't a good idea.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."

"No I don't."

"What the actual fuck. So your just gonna act like I don't exist?"

"What do you mean, I know your alive."

"Yes but not exactly. You haven't texted me in a week, but it's okay, because your too busy hanging out with all your "Best friends" and your boyfriend to remember me."

"What? You know you could've also texted me. I don't know when your busy or not, also he's not my boyfriend."

"Yeah whatever, you could've asked you know? Also I know damn well he probably is your boy friend."

"How huh?"

"Fuck. I see the way he looks at you, isn't it obvious that he likes you?"

"I can't tell."

"Of course you cant, like usual, your to dumb when it comes to your and other people's feelings, you don't ever know if they like you or not."

"What the fuck Diego? You know damn well you can't be talking."

"Yea? Really how?"

"Shut the fuck, you know damn well how!" That caused some stares.

"Oh yeah, well I hope your relationship with Gavi goes well." He said with sarcasm.

"Diego I already fucking told you, we are not dating."

"Well you will soon, I know it. You get attached to easily."

"Diego, why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Hurting me."

"You hurt me by leaving me out!"

"What? I didn't leave you out."

"Yes you did, you left me here back in mexico all alone while you happily forget about me and hang out with Kevin and Vale."

"I didnt invited them, they showed up randomly!"

"Well then how did they find you?"

"I told them I was going out with Pablo and where."

"Oh? So you went out with Gavi?"

"Why do you even care?"

"Just like I said, you're so dumb when it comes to feelings."  Im I really that dumb? I'm already tearing up when he said this which made me cry. "You think people like you but they dont, sometimes the opposite, it's so easy to tell if someone likes you or not but your dumbass self doesn't know, your just too slow."

Hasta la muerte | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now