5. Her eyes are like two pools of hunny

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Gavis P.O.V.

While I was texting Antonella I could feel the big smile plastered on my face. Even though I just met her a few hours ago, I was already comfortable around her, which is weird because when I first met new people I get so shy around them and it takes time for me to get comfortable around them. I even found her instagram and texted her first! With Antonella it felt like I have known her for years. She is also very funny, I already love her personality. She's very energetic and happy. She has like golden retrieve energy.

I forgot Pedri was home until he came into my room and asked if I was gonna leave yet.

"Yeah i'm just waiting for my uber." I said.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you?"

"I'm sure, thank you though." Then I realized I haven't told him that I met Antonella yet. "Hey Pedri." I said with a smile on my face.

"Yes gavi?"

"You remember the new signing for the femeni team?"

"Yes, why?"

"Okay so this might be crazy, but I met her today." Pedri's eyes widened.

"ACTUALLY?!" I started laughing cause of his excitement.

"Yes I did. Calm down and i'll tell you how." He did what I said and sat at my desk chair quietly. "Okay so I was at the airport with Frenkie and Ale waiting for Mikky's flight to land, and then Antonella came up to me and asked if I knew where the baggage claim was. I didn't know who she was at first cause she was wearing a mask and a hat. And I told her where the baggage claim was at but I think she was still confused so I ask her if she wanted me to take her their, and she agreed. I was holding her hand cause I didn't want her to get lost again, but her hand was so soft and warm bro, I swear. So while we were walking I asked her where she's from and we had this small conversation until we made it to the baggage claim. Oh and I also got to meet her father."

"Dang Pablo"

"I know, even though I couldn't see her face very well, she looked so beautiful. Oh and her eyes. Her eyes are like two pools of hunny. Their a beautiful shade of light brown."

"Damn Pablito, your really are in love, huh?"


"Yea sure loverboy." He said with a smirk.

"DONT CALL ME LOVERBOY. Oh right, I also messaged her on intsagram and we had a great conversation." I said with a smile.

"DAMN, PABLO MADE THE FIRST MOVE!?" He said with a shocked face. That's when I got a notification saying that my uber is here. "I gotta go, my ubers here. Bye Pedri."

"Bye Gavi."

When I got into the car, I was thinking if I had a crush on Antonella. I know it's too soon to have one since I just met her today, but I know in the future I will. Just watch.

Antonella's P.O.V

The next day:

Hasta la muerte | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now