11. Fake ass bitch!

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Antonella's P.O.V.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said pulling away from the hug.

"Oh um, i'll let Kevin explain." Said Vale.

"So, um." He looked over at Vale. "We missed you so much, so we decided to visit you! And since you told me where you were going, we decided to look around and we found you! We just didn't want to interrupt y'all?" That seems kinda weird. Like how did they know exactly where we were?

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Super sure." Said Vale. I then realized they haven't really met Gavi yet.

"Oh shoot. Guys this is Pablo, Pablo this is Valentina and Kevin!" Gavi gave both of them a hug. "Hi guys, welcome to Barcelona! I've heard a lot of goods things about you from Nutella!"

"Who the fuck is Nutella? Wait that's Anto." He's such a dumbass. He then whispered something into my ear. "Damn Anto, he's got it bad, like he literally gave you his own fucking nickname!"

"Shut the fuck up and we'll talk about this later." I whispered to him and then pulled his ear.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" We all started laughing.

"Wait, where are y'all staying at?" I asked them. "Hotel." Kevin said, then Gavi smirked at them.

"What? Wait oh shit! We got separate rooms if that's what your thinking."

"I actually wasn't smirking cause of that but that's nice to know I guess." I then realized mine and Pablo's clothes are wet and it's getting a little windy and cold. "Should we get going?" I asked Pablo.

"Sure." He then turned to Vale and Kevin. "I actually can't drive so we have to get a taxi." He said laughing nervously. They said it was okay and we got a taxi. After 15 minutes we made it to my house, we got out the taxi and made our way inside.

"You know you could've just took us back to the hotel." Kevin said.

"No way! Y'all came to visit me so y'all are staying at my house." I then turned to Pablo. "Your also staying tonight."

"Wait where's your dad and you siblings?" Kevin said.

"Their out. They'll be back in 2 days I think."

"Damn it, I wanted to talk to Memo."

"You can talk to him another day buddy."

"Ew, don't call me buddy."

"No bitc-" I stopped mid sentence cause Kevin interrupted me.

"TO ANTO'S ROOM!" We all followed him into my room. "Damn Anto, why didn't you like change your room a bit?"

"Cause I like how I had it back in Mexico." Wait, where the fuck is Diego? Did they just leave him back over there?

"Speaking of Mexico, where's Diego?"

"Oh so you still care about him?" Kevin said with a smirk. Vale also smiled but Pablo had a confused and a jealous look?

Hasta la muerte | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now