22. You were a wonderful experience...

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Nothings new - Rio Romeo

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Nothings new - Rio Romeo

This is my take on this trend😭 this post isn't part of this book, I just wanted to share how I imagined this trend. Clearly this goes both ways as Diego was everything for Antonella but this kinda for the future😋 Anyways I have seen this trend on tiktok for some time and every time I think of the audio I always think about Antonella & Diego.

Now let's continue with this chapter!

Gavi's P.O.V.

I just stood there. I didn't move or say anything as I was still trying to understand what just happened and if any of that was real. It doesn't feel real. I just got too much information to process.

It was silent and all of a sudden I felt a raindrop fall on my head. Then the next thing it was pouring rain. Oh shit.

I quickly turn towards Diego who's still on the floor. "Diego where do you think Antonella went?"

"Shouldn't you know that as you guys are made for eachother?" He said sarcastically.

"Diego I'm not fucking joking. Antonella is out there in the rain, running in a dress, with just one heel, crying, and probably a bit tipsy. And it's twelve A.M. Anything could happen to her. Now please help me."

"There's two places she could be."

I am running as fast as I can. I'm going to the first location Diego said she could be at. The rain hasn't stopped and it's actually getting worse each minute. The wind got stronger and there's lighting and thunder. I really hope Antonella is okay. I really need to hurry up.

I pick up my pace and start running more faster. There's still a lot of people out here outside and they're all looking at me as if i'm crazy. I mean If i saw a teenage boy in a suit, running as fast as they can in the rain I would probably be as confused as them. Even worse they might recognize me. But it's fine, I don't care if they take pictures or videos. I just need to find Antonella.


After running for some minutes and asking someone for directions I finally made it to the first location. A playground. It seems kinda abandoned. Why would she be here? I look around the place for a while but I can't find her. I then look outside of the playground and I see an ice cream shop. Maybe they know of her.

Hasta la muerte | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now