8. Nutella

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Antonella's P.O.V

"Antonella! Can you and Diego grab the strawberries and the Nutella?" Asked kevin.

"Yeah we'll go, right?" Diego said and then turned to me. "Right" We both got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen.

"You get the strawberries, i'll get the Nutella." I did what he said and waited for him to grab the Nutella.

"I just realized." He said coming closer to me. "The word Nutella sounds a lot like your name." He stared into my eyes, and I stared into his. We were inches apart.

"Diego, sto-" I stoped mid sentence and backed away cause I heard footsteps.

"Hey guys, Kevin told me to come and get the ice cream cause he forgot. He's so dumb sometimes." Diego's girlfriend. She was laughing so I did too, then Diego did.

"Well come on, there waiting for us."

Today is my father's first game, and I'm super excited! He was starting first which i'm glad for. I'm also going to Pablo's house after the game.

I had get ready , so I took a shower, got changed and did my make up.

After I did that I helped my mom with my siblings and we left

The stadium was packed, I saw a lot of mexico jerseys as well a lot of Barca jerseys. We went inside and found our seats. I was watching the team warm up when I got a message from Xavi saying if I wanted I could go sit with him at the front, so I asked my mom if I could. She gave me permission so I went.

The game started 30 minutes later and not much has been going on, until someone from the other team was running towards the goal, they passed it to another player who dribbled past Araujo, then past it to another player who bicycle kicked the ball but MY DAD SAVED IT! The crowd went crazy.

Not long after Gavi had the ball, he passed it to Pedri, he dribbled passed the other team defender then passed it back to Gavi who scored! Me and Xavi were screaming and hugging eachother. Gavi then kissed the barça bag and did the unexpected, he pointed to me indicating he dedicated the goal for me. I smiled and blushed at him and stuck my tongue out at him, he did the same.

Valentina's P.O.V

I was with the boys, all of us bored as fuck, then I remember that Memo was playing today!

"Kevin turn on the tv."

"Why?" Dumbass, just do it.

"Memo is playing today." Him and Diego's face lit up from excitement, so kevin turned on the tv and we watched the game. When Memo made that save we all went crazy! Not long after, I think Gavi? Had the ball who passed it to Pedri, who passed it back to Gavi who then scored. He did his celebration and then pointed to someone. The camera showed who it was. Antonella. I looked over to Kevin who was smiling, then I saw Diego. He looked made and jealous. He mumbled something under his breath and then said. "I forgot I have to go somewhere, bye guys."

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