15. Apologize?

504 9 161


Antonella's P.O.V.

"Pedri, who are you texting that is making you smile so much?" I ask him. I was over at his and Pablo's house just us three hanging out in the living room.

"No one!" He said quickly then started giggling at his phone. Since he wouldn't tell me who it was, I got closer to him and snatch his phone.

"ANTONELLA! GIVE ME MY PHONE!" He said while trying to grab it. He was so close to grabbing it so I ran.


"TRY TO CATCH ME, LOSER!" I said while quickly running up the stairs. He's quick though, too quick.


"IM SUPPOSED TO BE FAST, IM CHASING YOU!" He was getting closer so I ran into the nearest room and locked the door.



"Well, can you hurry up and check quickly who it is so I can get my phone back?"

"Yeah, yeah." I looked over at his phone and noticed it was locked.

"Pedro? You still there?"


"What's your password?"

"I'm not telling you!" He said laughing. I picked up
his phone and put it to my face to check if it had Face ID. Face ID not recognized. I grabbed my phone and got a picture of Pedri and put my phone in front of Pedri's. I got in.


"Antonella?" Shit. He heard me. I ignored him and went in his messages, and check to see who was his recent. Mercedes. No fucking way.

I scrolled up a bit when I saw a message from her that made me burst out of laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Pedri go away. Let me have my fun.

"Why are you still here?"

"You have my phone."

"Yeah but you can you back to the living room with Gavi, he must be wondering where we are."

"Meh, he can stay curious." I was gonna say something but I heard my phone buzz multiple times. I checked who it was. Diego. What the fuck does he want?


Can you answer me?
Can we please talk?
Answer my call
I want to apologize
You said that you want people to be heard, how am I supposed to be heard when you won't let me talk to you?

don't ever fucking call me that again.

Can we talk now?

fine ig.
but before we do
is the reason your apologizing because kevin made you to?

he told it was better to
but i wanted to apologize to you the second i said all that

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