One Day After The Letter

38 9 8

Only Option ~ Deb

The tension settles into my shoulders. I've gone over this entire VEEG record, and I haven't found any spike and wave patterns. In desperation, I turn off the filter and return to the beginning to start the search over. The last thing I want is to tell the patient that her old doctor's diagnosis of psychogenic seizures was accurate. I'm being stubborn, because Sara deserves to have someone believe her, but I know better than to keep searching for something that isn't there. If I'm not careful, I'll mistake an artifact for a spike and wave.

The phone on my desk rings. I keep my eyes on my computer screen and pick up the phone. "This is Dr. Debra Horton, epileptologist and relaxation therapist."

"You've got to be kidding me. Please tell me you don't actually answer your phone like that."

It takes a moment for me to realize who I'm talking to, because Mirna never bothers me at work. She knows better, or at least I thought she did. "Mirna, what are you calling me at work for?" I realize that I sound more than a little annoyed.

"You need to come get me," she demands.

I roll my eyes and pause Sara's VEEG recording. "We had this discussion before I left for work this morning. You need to take the bus because I'm busy working."

"I know," Mirna says. "The bus isn't the problem Deb!"

I sigh. "Then what's the problem?"

"I can't sign myself out of school."

I groan. Of course she can't. "Well I can't come get you. I have an appointment in ten minutes."

"Here, you talk to her," Mirna says. I can't tell if she's talking to me or someone else. Then I hear that familiar click-clack-thump of a telephone getting passed around.

"Um, hello, Mrs. Horton?" a lady asks.

I bite my lip, because after all the years of medical school, it's so insulting when people call me missus, instead of doctor. "Yes?" I snap.

"I'm sorry. It's our policy here at Berkeley High School that students can only be signed out by a parent or guardian."

"That's understandable, but I can't get away right now, and Mirna has an important doctor's appointment to get to."

"There's another guardian listed here. Could he come get her?"

I clench my jaw. "No. Can't I sign her out over the phone?"

"I'm sorry, it has to be a guardian and it has to be in person, so we can get the signature and make sure that the student left campus with a guardian."

"This is a very important doctor's appointment," I say.

"Then you'll have to come get her," the secretary replies.

"Fine, let me talk to Mirna."

Click-thump. "Yeah?" Mirna says.

Good Lord, please don't let me regret this. "Mirna, watch what you say so the secretary won't know what I'm telling you."


I sigh. "You can't afford to miss another doctor's appointment. This might seem wrong, but since I can't come get you, it's our only option. I need you to sneak out of school so you can catch the bus to get down here."

"You're serious?" Mirna asks. She sounds amused.

"Will you do that for me, Mirna?"

"Anything for you, Deb." The line goes dead.

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