Three Days After the Letter ~ Battle Scars ~ Mirna

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Why does the bus always take too long to get anywhere? I'm not going to arrive in time to actually help Kaden, I can just feel it. Why did I think it was a good idea to take the bus to the hospital? This isn't a good idea. This is the kind of thing a stalker does, isn't it? Man, maybe I should just go home.

But I want to help Kaden get stitches on his chin. So I stand up and head for the front of the bus as the driver pulls up to the stop, and I jump off the bus and make a run for the hospital, which is less than a block away. Please God, if you're really there, let me arrive in time to help my new friend. Yeah, right.

I burst into the ER entrance of the hospital, and amid the giant crowd of people, I spot Kaden walking across the waiting room. He stops mid-step when he sees me.

Sweet! Thanks for coming through for me, God. I roll my eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Kaden asks.

"Helping you get stitches. Come on." I grab his hand and take him straight up to the admit desk. The lady behind the desk is swamped. I sneak through the doorway with Kaden and wave at a nurse in the ER that I recognize from when Deb used to work here. She seems to recognize me. Maybe she figures I'm here because Deb's here, because she doesn't even say a word to me. We head down the hallway into the employee lounge.

"You came to the hospital just for me?" Kaden grabs his elbow and gazes down at his feet all sheepishly.

I tilt my head at his chin. "We all have battle scars, you know."

"You too, huh?"

My face goes hot. "You gotta see this." I grab his arms and pull him further into the room. After a quick glance around to see that we're alone in here, I lift my shirt up to show him the scar on my side. But after only a split second, I push my shirt back down and try to keep my face from caving in with embarrassment. That was dumb.

"How'd you do that?" he asks.

"Oh, you don't wanna know." I wink at him. After a moment's hesitation, I ask, "So where's Logan?" If we left his brother in the waiting room, he's going to start looking for us.

"At home." He steps back and a dark look goes over his face. Maybe he thought I'm only interested in his brother. "Well, I guess I should probably vacate before someone catches me back here. I'll see you around." He turns for the door.

"Don't leave already," I plead. "You just got here." He makes this super cute face as he realizes that I might have asked about his brother, but I'm obviously here for him, and I cannot help but smile. He grins, splitting his chin wide open.

 He grins, splitting his chin wide open

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