Two Days After the Letter ~ Nora and Miri

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The FC ~ Nora

It's finally time for lunch! Ugh, I'm literally starving here, because I skipped breakfast again to do my ultra fab makeup and tame my black silky hair. I dash out of my English class and make my way to the FC. Our school is so cool, we have a fricking food court. I meet Laurel at our regular table, and we get in line at the best little café in the whole FC.

"So, guess what?" I say excitedly.

"Oh, juicy gossip?" Laurel asks. Her blonde hair is perfect as always. She has her adorable pink earbuds in, hidden underneath her long hair. But I know she always turns her music off for me. She's such a good friend! Her fair complexion is free of blemished and her rosy blush looks perfect as always.

"Totally juicy! There's two cute new guys in my drama class. Twins!"

"No way! We should call dibs!"

"I know. Let's sit with Steph and her crew today so we can announce it to everyone. You have no idea how cute they are! They've got practically identical faces, but their hair is way different, so we'll be able to tell them apart."

"Oh, well that's boring! I was picturing identical twins so we could have fun playing boyfriend swap."

We both giggle.

We order our food, take the buzzers to our regular table, and wait for everyone to come join us. "Hey you guys!" I shout in front of everyone. "Did you hear about the twins?"

"Yeah, they're in my drama class," Drew says.

"Way hot!" I add.

"Girl, you're too late," Steph says. She's the leader of our crew of popular kids, and she fights tooth and nail to stay on top. She's got fiery red hair that is totally not natural, and mystic fake bake that looks so natural she can fool just about anyone. "We met them on Wednesday. Me and Meg already called dibs this morning when you were late to school!"

"Ah man!" I say out loud. Meg is Steph's friend. She's blonde and short, so she gets to be the top of the pyramids in their cheerleader routines. So everyone is always fawning over Meg. I wish I could be on the cheerleading squad sometimes, but I'm no way near athletic enough. I'd make a fool of myself, so I stay on the outskirts of this new popular crowd that I only got to join because Miri became Drew's girlfriend last year. Ugh, high school social standings! It's exhausting!

"That stinks," Laurel says softly, just to me.

"Yeah well, Steph gets bored of her boyfriends really fast, and I bet Meg ditches the other twin once Steph blows him off, because she's such a follower and would hate to date one twin while the other one gets dumped and heartbroken," I whisper.

Laurel nods. "You are so totally right!" she says with a wink at me.

"Yup! I bet those twins are free for the taking in less than a week or two!"

"I'll keep my fingers crossed," Laurel says with a huge grin.

Our buzzer goes off and we head back to our fav café to get our food.

On the way back to our table, I spot Miri sitting by herself, just drawing in her notebook, looking miserable. She catches me looking at her, and I roll my eyes away, but sometimes I seriously miss Miri. She never gossiped about people like Steph always does. I have to seriously tiptoe around Steph and all her popular friends, because if I ever do anything embarrassing, like Miri did, I'll never live it down.

Poor Miri! She got totally rejected by Drew because of everything that happened, and I never actually asked her to explain it all to me, because Laurel unfriended her before I had a chance to get all the details.

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