Three Days After The Letter ~ One More Week ~ Mirna

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Author's Note:  I have decided to post shorter chapters from here on out. I apologize, but it is much easier to post. I hope you enjoy these shorter snappier scenes! They are the kind of chapters you can finish in only a few minutes when you have a spare moment, or you can binge a whole bunch if you have tons of time.

Thanks for your support. This story needs your love ~


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Alarm going off. I roll over, smack my clock, and reach under my pillow to check for the prescription Dr. Evans wrote for me. Of course, it's still there. I lie awake listening to the sound of Deb preparing breakfast downstairs, letting my mind wander.

I've got my prescription. One more week, and I'll have my money. Just one more week, and I can finally disappear. What bothers me is that I still don't know exactly where I'm going to go. I know the basics. Leave town. Use cash. Keep moving. Cut your ties, and ditch your friends. Not like I have any friends.

Suddenly, Kaden pops into my head. I roll over and stare up at the sky mural on my ceiling, suddenly smiley and giddy like a middle-schooler. I want to see him again. I want to know more about him. And I think I want to help him out the way that Jimmy helped me. But what can I really do in only one week?

Finally, I get out of bed, get ready for my day, and tumble downstairs to the kitchen. Deb's at the oven. I take my pills. "What's for breakfast?"

"Nothing special." Deb finally turns to look at me. "Scrambled eggs and toast."

"No chocolate waffles?" I say, oddly disappointed. It's been months since she made chocolate waffles.

The phone rings. "Don't sound so disappointed," Deb says as she goes to answer the phone on the kitchen wall. "Hello? ... Yes ... Oh dear ... Of course, I'll be right there. Yep, bye-bye." She hangs up the phone. "I have to go."

"Who was that?" I ask.

"The hospital." Deb rushes to the chair for her jacket, then the countertop for her keys, then to the wall for her purse hanging on the hook by the door. "One of my patients just got admitted with epilepsia partialis continua."

"You're not on call today, are you?" I ask.

"No, but it's my patient. I'm going in. Can you finish scrambling these eggs and manage something for lunch?"

"No prob. Who is it?" I ask.

"No one you know." She goes for the door. "I'll check in around noon, okay?"

I sigh, strangely saddened instead of annoyed. This was one of our last days to really spend together, and Deb's going to be at work all day. And I can't say anything, or she might get suspicious.

"Sure. Good luck," I say.

"And Mirna? Please work on your missing assignments." Deb disappears out the door, and I stand up and take her place at the stove to finish cooking the eggs. There's more here than I can manage to eat by myself. Deb ran out so fast, she didn't even get breakfast before she left. She sure does care about her patients ...

Nessa comes into the kitchen and lies down with her nose on her paws.

"Hi Nessa! Beautiful girly, how are you today?"

Nessa rears up on her hind legs, balancing like a trick dog.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I take a piece of bacon and hold it out for her.

Nessa sits down, all proper and self-controlled. She watches me closely.

"Good doggie." I let her have the bacon right from my hand. She snatches it up, chomps away, and licks my hand. Then she goes to the door and sits under her leash, and I smile as I realize that we both want to get out of this empty house.

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