CaNADA and CaChina

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This is BASED on a true story... Sorta... At the anime club end of year party... Some is true and some is crack... I'll tag Canada and Romano... winterfirelily and FlutterMapleWizard

Antarctica and Canada drew on the whiteboard with markers. She had a blue one trying to draw Canada's flag, and picked up a green one before thinking of making it red. Then some other guy erased the sloppy maple leaf and drew a happy face. Canada drew something and right under it, wrote 'Made in Canada'

Antarctica took her red marker, a different color then the words, and wrote 'HINA' over 'ANADA'

"A new ship is born!" Canada laughed. She fell on the floor laughing.

"CaChina!" Antarctica shouted.

"Kachow!" America replied.

"Yes!" The three high fived.

~A Little While Later~

"Do you know why..." America wrote CANADA on the board. "No one sees Canada?"

Canada let his head fall on the desk.

"Because this." America held up his pointer finger for dramatic pause. He swiped his hand over the first CA in CANADA. It left NADA on the board in big red letters. "He has NOTHING in his name!" The red plastic cup in his hand held the fourth refill of beer. It fell on the floor and when he bent to pick it up he smacked his head on the counter and passed out.

"Karma's a bitch!" Canada replied. He soon fell off the table and passed out, nearly everyone else following.

"And then there was one... I wonder what other countries have hidden messages in their names?" Antarctica took a blue marker and wrote names of all the countries on the board in capital letters, and ended up looking like a mathematician with all the letters scrambled around.

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