Tomato warning (reader x antarctica x romano)

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You came to visit your two favorite Italians, but found Antarctica sleeping on the couch. So you decide to play a prank. Making sure the Italians don't see you, you blow a blow-horn as loud as you can. She jumps awake and falls off the couch.

"You're almost as scared as Italy!" You laugh. She sits up and smiles.

"Oh hey (y/n)! What's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to ask Romano something."

"He's outside trying to fix the tomato garden and his Ferrari. Italy crashed it. Again."

"Oh okay. Can I tell you something?"


After taking a shaky breath you talk what you think is faster than Italy. "I like Romano." Antarctica only smiles.

"I knew it."

"You can understand me?"

"Dude, Italy talks faster than you."


She bolts out the sliding glass doors to the garden. You chase after her as she screams "ROMANO!!" At the top of her lungs. You two barrel right into the Italian himself, and land in a pile. Antarctica starts rapidly speaking Italian. You don't understand her but you know what she's telling him.

"(Y/n) mangiato tutti i pomodori!" She smiled.

"Cosa? C'era lì un centinaio di pomodori!"

You can only imagine the horrors...

"(Y/n), did you eat all the tomatoes?" Romano starts speaking English.

"Wait what?" You look at Antarctica, who was laughing behind Romano, the three of you sitting on the ground.

Nailed it.


Google translate:

"(Y/n) ate all the tomatoes!"

"What? There was a hundred tomatoes there!"

Yes. You totally ate a hundred tomatoes. Nailed it.

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