The Return of Someone Lost in Time

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"Go go!" Italy cheered. Antarctica tapped the A button on the wii remote as fast as she could. Romano, Spain, Germany, and America went out to get some stuff and left Italy and Antarctica alone in the house. That's when the game shut off and they flung their arms in the air.

"NO!!!" Antarctica laughed. "I WAS SO CLOSE!!! FUCK!" They turned and looked out the window. A blizzard must have blown out the signal.

"Hey what's that?" Italy pointed. She walked up to the window. In the flying snow, a small shape appeared. A child? It was transparent and looked sad and beat up. Then it was opaque like anyone else and was blown around.

"Shit." Antarctica raced outside and, being ruler of Penguinland, easily caught the kid. She took him inside and brushed snow off of him. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah..." He said.

"What's your name?" She asked, then heard Italy in the living room messing with the TV.

"H-Holy Roman Empire..." He looked up. She blinked.

"Well you're not from my land. You look European, no?"

"Si, I'm from Europe."

"What happened?"

"I almost died in a war! And they left me to it!" He snapped.

"Hey, Holy Rome! Get back here and tell me who the hell you think you are!" She stormed after him into the living room. Italy turned around and shrieked.

"Shut the hell up!" Holy Rome snapped.

"H-Holy-y R-Rome..." He fainted.

"Oh shit- that's you?" Antarctica glared at Holy Rome. "You have a hella lot of explaining to do!" The storm stopped and the TV came back on with the game paused. Romano burst into the room.

"What happened?-" he ran into the living room. "Who the fuck are you?"

"That's Holy Rome." Almost as soon as the words rolled off her tongue, Holy Rome was at Romania eye level pinned to the wall with a pistol to his head.

"YOU BASTARDO!" Antarctica shook Italy awake. He sat up.

"I had the strangest dream-" he saw his brother pinning Holy Rome to the wall. She slapped a hand over his mouth before he could scream.

"Don't scream... Its okay..." She let him go and he fainted again. "ROMANO PUT THE FUCKING KID DOWN!" She pulled the kid down by his cape.

"The fuck's wrong with you?" Holy Rome shouted at Romano.

"You left my brother! YOU NEVER CAME BACK YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE SHIT!" Antarctica dragged Holy Rome upstairs and flung him in a room.

"Calm down. I'll come get you later for dinner." She locked the door. She slapped Romano. "Calm the hell down. If Italy asks, he's not to see him until dinner." She glared at him. "Make sure you're brother is okay before you kill the idiot responsible."

"Oh, and the potato bastards are coming for dinner."

"Yay..." She rolled her eyes and laid down on the floor.

A few hours later, Italy calmed down sorta, Romano never took his eyes off of him, and Prussia and Germany showed up. Prussia was in shock for a while, and Germany didn't know who it was. Antarctica knocked on Holy Rome's door.

"Holy Rome? Can I come in?"

"Si..." She opened the door.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." He pouted.

"Wrong spell?" He looked up, shocked.


"Tell me the spell."

"It- I think of the person and I appear where they are. I didn't see Italy today though..."

"Don't worry. You'll see him at dinner."

"Her." He said. "Italy is a girl."

"Well the Italy I know is a boy, and he seems to know you. Come down for dinner, he made pasta." She smiled. He nodded and she lead him downstairs to the dining room. "Sit anywhere, we'll be back in a minute." She left and found the Germanic countries.

"Hey, where is Holy Rome?" Prussia asked. She pointed to the dining room and he dragged Germany in. She went into the kitchen and found the Italians.

"Italy? You sure you're okay?"


"Romano please don't attack him again."

"No promises, but fine." She nodded.

"Fair enough. Let's go, Italy let me carry that." She took the big pasta bowl from him and Romano grabbed the pitcher of water. They set everything on the table and Antarctica sat in between the Italians. Holy Rome across from Italy, Prussia in front of Antarctica and Germany in front of Romano. There was an awkward silence, a feeling of tension from Romano and Germany, and awkwardness from Italy and Prussia. Holy Rome was kinda confused at everything, like who the hell is the big German who looks like him? Antarctica sighed after about twenty minutes of nonstop eating and silence. "Italy!" She whispered. Both Italians looked up at her, and Holy Rome glanced up. "Say something. To anyone."

"Why?" Romano glared at him.

"Say something, bastardo!"

"I just did!"

"Zhis isn't a world meeting... Zhis isn't a world meeting..."

"Vest? Okay!" Prussia stood. "Holy Rome! I'll talk!" He plopped back down in his chair. "I don't know vhat to say, shit!"

"That's a first." Romano said.

"So, random topic, why are you named after Rome?" Antarctica took another bite of pasta.

"I don't know... It's just my name..."

"You know what? EVERYBODY OUT!" She picked up the bowl of pasta and dragged Germany, Prussia, and Romano into the living room with their food and wines, and they continued eating. This time they were actually talking.

"So..." They all shut up when they heard Holy Rome's voice quietly talk. "You're not a girl are you?"

"No, why?"

"You always wore dresses."

"That's because that's all Miss Hungary gave me..."



"Awkvard!" Prussia shouted.

"Yeah, no pressure or anything..." Romano slapped him.

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