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America, Canada, Italy, and Romano decided to have a sleepover at Antarctica's. They set up a tarp on the ice and surrounded the sofas outside. Being leather, they could probably survive. Probably. Or it's back to Ikea.

Romano was curled in the corner of the makeshift tent, which was actually all the couches with their backs in a circle and a giant blanket and tarp over them all. Canada started doodling with Italy looking over his shoulder, and America sighed and fell backwards. Antarctica was wandering outside, and crawled inside.

"So I-a have to stay-a in here with-a you guys?"

"No, but there's a storm coming, Romano."

"Why don't we go inside, then?" Canada asked.

"Because your brother lost England's bet." She shrugged and he turned around his notebook. "Kitty!" He laughed. She took the book and hugged it. "It's so cute!"

"It's not done yet..." He took it back and started drawing again. Italy poked his head outside.

"So when-a do we get-a pasta?"

"In the morning once we survive the last twelve hours of dark."

"So that's why you chose now to do it, eh?"

"Dudes shut up I'm trying to sleep!" America rolled over.

"Well, I guess I'll sleep too, then. Night." Antarctica took the spot nearest the entrance, the coldest spot. She laid down with her back to the sofa and outside, and watched Canada draw until she fell asleep.

Antarctica woke up to a pile of snow near her head, snow blowing hard outside, an the tarp thing above them gone. At least they hid their things under the sofas so they wouldn't blow away. They had to maximize space as it is, with five in the now roofless tent.

"Canada!" She hissed. She poked the sleeping country in front of her and hissed his name again. "Canada!"

"What happened?" He rolled over and jumped. "Sorry!" She sighed.

"Look up." He did and facepalmed.

"It's still night too," he sighed.

"Come on, let's go get it." She stood and helped him up. They ran out and chased down the tarp, which thankfully stopped on her house. They dragged it back and retied it, the other three still asleep thankfully, but snow started to build up around them.

"They're gonna wake up any minute."

"Nothing happened." She smiled and laid down in her spot. Canada sighed and laid in his. "Go to sleep."

~Time Skip~

"AAAHHH COLD!!!" America shot awake. The other two Mediterranean brothers shot up and followed the American's example, running around.

Antarctica just rolled over. She opened her eyes and came face to face with Canada, beginning to stir. She froze, and then sat up. She poked him and he looked up at her.


"Yep, and America is going crazy."

"Just go back to sleep." He pulled her down and closed his eyes again. She sighed and listened to faint screams of freezing countries outside.

"OTHER WAY, DUMBASSES!" She finally shouted out at them. Then they came barreling back into the tent. Canada sighed and sat in a corner.

"I'm hungry!" Italy complained.

"Me too!" America agreed.

Then Romano thought it his turn to complain about something. "I'm cold!"

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