6. A Homecoming of Hearts.

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With a sense of urgency, Taehyung hurriedly made his way to the floor of the hospital where Y/n was admitted. Jihoon followed closely behind, his small footsteps echoing in the corridor. In Taehyung's arms, Sera cried out in distress, overwhelmed by the sudden rush and unfamiliar surroundings.

Taehyung held onto both of his children tightly, providing reassurance and comfort amidst the chaotic and emotional situation. Determined to find answers and be by Y/n's side, they pressed forward with a mixture of worry, fear, and a desperate hope for her well-being.

As they entered Y/n's hospital room in haste, they were confronted with the sight of her lying pale and seemingly unconscious on the bed, lost in a deep slumber.

Taehyung's eyes met Y/n's father's intense gaze, which seemed to hold a mix of emotions. The glare conveyed an unspoken tension and perhaps even a hint of resentment towards Taehyung.

In that moment, a wave of apprehension washed over Taehyung as he realized the weight of the situation and the complex dynamics between him, Y/n, and her father. The unspoken tension hung in the air, adding an additional layer of concern and uncertainty to an already distressing moment.

In the midst of the tense atmosphere, Y/n's father took crying Sera into his arms, gently soothing her cries. The sound of his comforting whispers provided a small moment of solace amidst the anxiety and worry. Meanwhile, Jihoon sought comfort and security in his father's embrace, clinging to Taehyung as he was lifted up into his arms.

As Taehyung gathered more information from Y/n's father, he learned that she had been neglecting her meals, which ultimately led to her fainting at the airport.

The revelation struck Taehyung with a mixture of concern, worry, and guilt. He realized that Y/n's health had deteriorated due to her emotional distress and that her well-being had been neglected amidst the chaos of their family's situation.

Y/n's father's disappointment and anger towards Taehyung were palpable as he expressed his emotions in that moment. The weight of his disappointment served as a painful reminder of the impact of their actions on Y/n's well-being.

Taehyung, feeling the weight of his father-in-law's disapproval, understood the magnitude of his responsibility and the consequences of his choices.

As night fell and Taehyung prepared to send the kids home with their grandparents, a nurse delivered the news that Y/n had awakened and expressed a desire to see her father. Y/n's father rushed into her room, his worry and concern evident in his eyes.

However, to his surprise, he was met with a sight that brought both relief and a touch of amusement. Y/n, displaying her characteristic strength, greeted her father with a laugh, assuring him that she was okay.

Deep inside, Y/n was broken and hurting, but she masked her pain to shield her father from further distress. She put on a brave face and laughed, pretending to be okay, not wanting her father to worry any more than he already had.

As Taehyung entered the room, holding Sera in his arms, her innocent squeals of delight upon seeing her mother from a distance captured Y/n's attention. The sight of her precious daughter's joy brought a rush of emotions, and tears welled up in Y/n's eyes.

Y/n's gaze shifted to Taehyung's legs, and her eyes met Jihoon's little hand, which was tightly grasping onto his father's leg. Jihoon, seemingly apprehensive, was hiding behind Taehyung, seeking both protection and comfort.

The sight pierced Y/n's heart, reminding her of the distance that had grown between her and Jihoon during their recent struggles. The combination of Sera's joyous presence and Jihoon's hesitation evoked a bittersweet mix of emotions within Y/n, leaving her yearning for the opportunity to reconcile and rebuild the bond with her son.

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