12. Surviving the Unsurvivable.

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After shedding countless tears throughout the previous night, Taehyung awoke the next morning with newfound determination. He wasted no time and contacted the city's top lawyer to initiate the legal proceedings.

Gathering evidence against his ex-wife became his mission, and within a week, a hearing date was set. Taehyung and y/n were both anxious, but they provided each other with unwavering support. Losing custody of the children to a woman who treated them like possessions was not an option they could accept.

As the date of the hearing arrived, Taehyung and y/n found themselves in a place they never wanted to be - a courtroom. But the case revolved around the custody of their children, so they had no choice but to attend.

Inside the court, Taehyung's ex-wife put on a performance, shedding what seemed like crocodile tears. She accused Taehyung of manipulating her to gain custody of the children, all while claiming her love for them.

Taehyung and y/n felt a deep sense of disgust at her theatrics, knowing all too well that it was she who had treated their children like objects rather than the loving parents they aimed to be.

The lawyer representing Taehyung and Y/n's side gently asked, "Could you please tell us your name and who your parents are?"

The little boy in the witness box, Jihoon, was visibly nervous, his voice trembling as he stammered, "M-my na-name is K-Kim Jihoon."

The lawyer smiled kindly at him and continued, "That's right, Jihoon. Now, can you tell us who your parents are?"

Jihoon pointed at the couple sitting across the courtroom, his dada and mumma. "M-my mumma is Kim Y/n, my dada is Kim Taehyung."

The courtroom was silent as Jihoon's innocent voice rang out. His small frame was barely visible over the high witness stand, but his words held everyone's attention.

The lawyer proceeded, "Jihoon, do you remember the other lady sitting over there?" He gestured toward Taehyung's ex-wife.

Jihoon nodded hesitantly. "Y-yes, th-that's my old mumma."

The lawyer continued, "Could you please tell the court about your experiences while you were living with your old mumma?"

Jihoon took a deep breath, clutching the plush toy he held tightly.  " old - mumma...she... she didn't always give me food on time. When I asked for food, she got very angry."

The lawyer gently encouraged, "It's okay, Jihoon. You're doing great. Can you tell us more?"

Jihoon continued, his voice quivering, "Sometimes, she yelled at me a lot. And once, she hurt my dada when he tried to protect me."

The atmosphere in the courtroom grew tense as Jihoon's words revealed the painful truth about the abusive environment he had experienced. His innocent testimony painted a stark picture of what their life had been like with Taehyung's ex-wife.

The lawyer nodded, appreciating Jihoon's bravery. "Thank you, Jihoon. You're a very brave young boy."

Jihoon glanced back at his parents, a small, relieved smile forming on his face as they nodded back at him with tears in their eyes.

The lawyer proceeded with a gentle smile, "Jihoon, can you tell us about your Y/n mumma? How is she with you now?"

Jihoon's face lit up with a smile as he began to speak, "Mumma is really nice now. She loves me so much and my baby sister. She feeds us yummy food and hugs me until I fall asleep."

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