Chapter Eight

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"Are you ready?" Kingsley asked Nyx later that afternoon. She was standing in the hallway. Terry had just sent her a memo to ask when she would be heading home which she replied and told him six pm so he messaged back and asked her to wait for him so he could discuss something with her as he walked her out.

She nodded at Kingsley. "Are you, sir? He is your brother after all."

Kingsley sighed and looked hurt but the words. "He is my brother and I love him. But I cannot excuse his behaviour and I will not stand by and let him get away with this like I did the last time. I knew he idolised the Death Eaters. I never accepted it obviously and I had no idea he went to them to try to join their ranks." He looked down. "He is my older brother. I have always looked up to him. I can't believe he was plotting this. Going as far as killing you. It's upsetting but we are doing the right thing."

"Doesn't make it easy," she pointed out.

"No, it does not. But I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe." He put his hands on her shoulder and smiled down at her.

"Thank you, Kingsley." She offered a smile and he winked.

"OK," Harry said when they were finished. "So Bill and Draco will be out here, transfigured to objects to stand guard over what is going on. Blaise is already at Azkaban with guards all surrounding the cell the guys will be transported into. I will be under my Invisibility Cloak in the store room entrance and Kingsley will be transfigured to a fly in the lift so you will never be alone Nyx."

Bill nodded along. "Hopefully you won't have to leave with him, but if you do Hermione will be in the foyer with some of her team waiting for you to come down. The Aurors have cleared the foyer already, so everyone is away from harm." He checked his watch, a family heirloom he got when he was seventeen. "Better get in place, everyone. Terry should be here any minute."

Thirty seconds later and Nyx was standing with Elina 'alone' in the hallway. "You head home Elina," Nyx smiled down. "I don't want you caught up in this. Safer for you to head now."

"No Ms Nyx, Elina is staying," she shook her head. "Don't be worries Ms Nyx, Elina can go invisible."

"Good, do that quickly," Nyx nodded as Elina snapped her fingers and disappeared just as the lift dinged to life, began to open slowly and two men and a very uncomfortable lady stepped out.

"Nyx, thanks for waiting on me," Terry smiled from the other side of the shield. "These are some reporters who are coming with me for a meeting downtown tonight. They are shadowing me for a story." He turned and pointed to the man. "This is David Anderson, and this is Rebecca Jules."

"Nice to meet you," Nyx smiled trying to imagine which of the men was the lady. "You didn't have to walk me down. I could have met you in the foyer you know."

Terry turned to the duo behind him. "Wait here, please. I need to discuss something with Nyx. I won't be a minute." He set his wand through the slot and stepped in the shield coming out the other side and walked towards Nyx. "I was happy to walk you down. I needed to speak with you actually before we go."

"You do?" Nyx played along as she grabbed her bag and put on her coat.

"You remember the time-turner you were working on for my brother?" Terry said, his eyes dancing with excitement.

"Of course. I have it safely locked in the storage unit as requested."

"That's great Nyx. I just need to check something on it. Do you think you could bring it out for me?" Terry smiled widely at her.

"What do you need to check?" She asked.

"I have been working this week in the Department of Mysteries and I had to look at the ones that we have down there."

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