Chapter Thirty

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"Alright," Draco said running his hands through his hair as he leaned over the table looking down at the parchment lying out in front of him. Harry was standing right next to him, also leaning over. "So, we go back to the evening of 18th June 1996," he said as Harry nodded.

Hermione was standing at the other side of the table with Nyx and Blaise. "Ron is currently getting the Portkey from Nyx's office," she explained. "And Nyx you are going to go to the Ministry and make sure that Sirius is protected from Bellatrix's curse."

Nyx was nodding now, quite nervous about her task. "Why does Nyx have to do it?" Draco asked just as concerned. "It's so dangerous."

"I can make myself invisible," Nyx pointed out. "And none of you even know who I am back then so it will be easier if I am spotted. Imagine, the invisibility fails and everyone sees two Harry's?" She gave a half smile to Draco. "It's sweet of you to be concerned, but I am the best person for it. Back then, you, Blaise and Pansy are not exactly on our side yet. Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Harry are already going to be there. Well their past selves are anyway. So it has to be me."

Draco wanted to protest, but they had already exhausted every other option and this was the least crazy of them all, so therefore it was the best chance we have. "You are going to have to really persuade him in order to get him to stay at the Dumbledore's cottage and not take part in the battle or try to help."

"I know," Nyx sighed heavily. She lifted the pictures she had taken off the table and placed them in her bag. "He could very well kill me, but I have to try. I have to have faith that he will do the right thing." As she held her bag opened Harry added the newspapers and documents they had all gathered, as well as the hand held camcorder that belonged to Hermione. After she closed up her bag, she looked up to the rest of the group and sighed. "I can do this."

"No one doubts you," Blaise smiled. "It's crazy but if anyone can pull this off, it's you."

"Thank you for doing this," Harry said stepping around the table to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Sirius was the first and only family I have ever known besides Hermione and the Weasley's. We had so many plans that we never got to make. So much that was left unsaid and the chance of having more time with my godfather," he sniffed. "Well, it's more than I could ever have hoped for." He pulled her into him, hugging her tightly. "Thank you."

"It's my pleasure. I just hope this works out and I actually manage to save him," she leaned back and looked in his eyes. "I will do my very best." Harry nodded, wiping his tears.

Ron arrived back at that moment, handing Nyx a small bag which she has stashed her licenced Portkeys, that he had found, tucked away in a box in her store room. The first one she pulled out was a spoon. "Took me ages to find it," he sighed popping it in her bag. "But while I was searching I was thinking, maybe Harry should go with you -"

"Ron!" Several of them snapped.

"Hear me out!" he held his hands up in surrender. "Inside that bag are 11 Portkeys, I checked. Nyx could take one and head to the Ministry as Harry takes one and heads to Godric's Hollow. Harry could lie in wait for Nyx and Sirius. She might have a hard time convincing Sirius of what's happening, even with the proof. But if Harry was there, he might be able to convince him to stay put, no matter what. That his life and Harry's depends on it."

Nyx, who was worried about Sirius' reaction looked to Harry who was already watching her face. "It's not a bad idea," he shrugged. "I could help."

She didn't want to admit it, but it did make sense. Sirius would trust Harry before trusting her, and she didn't exactly want to end up hexed or worse, for trying to help the man. But she knew that Harry was irrational. What if he couldn't stay put? What if he got nervous and decided to head to the Ministry? "Harry," Hermione said in a stern voice. "You think with your heart and not with your head. It's what I love about you, but it is also what gets you into trouble more often than not. Do you really think you could sit and simply wait knowing what was happening right at that moment in London?" She folded her arms. "I know you, you will Apparate to the Ministry and sneak in to try to help, and you WILL be seen!"

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