♡• chapter 3 •♡

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In a lonely apartment, you can see a person sleeping in the bedroom. Pink and green colored hair messily in three braids. A beauty if you ask me.

"Aaah...I'd honestly rather sleep then explore but, since I know pretty much nothing about this world..it would be best to not sleep around while there can be potential danger..."

As that was said, she decided to just stop being lazy and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

As that was done, she took her messy braids and let her hair loose, slightly combing it with her fingers.

She went to the kitchen to see if maybe there would be food

There was actually some food but it looked a bit weird, being in a cup. On the cup was written 'cup noodles'.

Y/n Pov:

"Huhh? Cup noodles...? Eeeek!! That's so cool!! So like noodles in a cup :o"


"How do you prepare them..? There must be atleast some kind of instructions"

"Aha there are instructions! Haha I'm so smart..now let's see 1. Boil water 2. Open lid 3. Pour water 4. Put lid on and wait 5 minutes..hmm that sounds easy enough"




~ 10 minutes later ~





~ 20 minutes later ~

"Oh..that was easy...anyways the food is done and I'm already starving so let's just eat and then I can go explore!"

~ 10 cups later ~

"Kyaaa!! Those noodles are so good!! But now let's go...but first let me braid my hair!"

~ After braiding the hair ~

"Alright all done! I have my katana, money and haori! That should be everything. Hehe time for adventure!"

While walking around the village you can see some kind of dudes with a headband.

'Come to think about it... that dude... uhhh Iruka something had one of them too, and there seems to be a leaf on it also..that man from the noodle shop did say welcome to the leaf village...OHHH they are probably ninjas to this village!'

"It's pretty boring in this village and I've already explored it so I should explore the outside too, you can never be too careful"

While walking out of the village known as the leaf village, she was welcomed with a forest.

'Hmm best be a bit careful here, you never know what you might walk into'

While jumping from tree to tree did she find a clearing, there was a lake with flowers all around it, the grass was green  and honestly it was breathtaking.

Finding a spot to sit on did she really start thinking about her situation.

So many questions yet no answers, why was she here? How? She died so shouldn't she be with the others? Are her friends here too? Is this a dangerous world?

This whole situation was just too much to take in. She had almost forgot the feeling of being alone, having no one to talk to, eat together, have someone to love her like Iguro-san.


"Iguro-san..where are you, are you in the same position like me, being so far away from home? Or are you with the others..resting"

"No! Y/n it's not the time to feel depressed! Try to atleast find my own purpose as to why I'm even here"

As she was thinking and talking to herself, there was someone hiding in the shadows. Listening to every word. I mean who wouldn't?  It's not every day that you meet such a breathtaking human.

Y/n Pov:

'Oh shoot! I can feel someone's presence, so close to me, are they perhaps stalking me!?'

"U-uhm show yourself! Person that's hiding behind that three, don't you think it's weird to spy on a lady"

'Oh nooo was I too rude? But they are the one that is spying on me! But still I could have said it a bit more nicely? Right!'

"Oh? So you knew I was here. That's pretty impressive since I tried concealing my precense. You must have some pretty heightened sences" the person  answered.

Slowly stepping out of the shadow was a man, a pretty tall man at that. He had black hair tied in a low ponytail, a black long cloak with red clouds, black eyes and two marks that are probably caused because of stress.

He was hot

Hot is a understatement

Bro was majestic

Bro was beautiful

Bro was husband material-

"My names Itachi... Itachi Uchiha, may I know yours?"

"It's Y/n Kanroji, pleasure to meet you, Uchiha Itachi!"

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