♡• chapter 4 •♡

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Itachi Pov

"Kanroji Y/n..? such a pretty name, tho I haven't seen this girl in the leaf village before..interesting indeed"

"So.. Kanroji-san, what are you doing here, alone.. if I may ask"

"Ooh well I wanted to get some fresh air, some peace since well.. can't really get that in the village" she replied with a smile, telling the young man a part of the real reason.

"Hn..well that is true"

After a while of just talking, about the village, ninjas and just the most random things, Y/n started to notice how dark it was getting.

"Ah sorry Uchiha-san, but it's starting to get late, I will probably be on my way now" she replied sadly, with a pout on her lips.

"Oh dear, I haven't even noticed it was getting this late, probably is best for you to go.. after all a lady out at this time may be dangerous, may I walk you home?" He asked.

"I mean, are you sure? I wouldn't want to trouble you, Uchiha-san" she asked while starting to panic at the thought of troubling the young man.

"I'm sure, let's get going shall we?"

-Outside Y/ns house-

"Thank you so much Uchiha-san, for walking me home" Y/n replied while blushing and bowing repeatedly.

"It's fine, and please call me Itachi" he replied with a small almost unnoticeable smile.

"Alright Itachi-kun!" She replied happily while smiling. "And you can call me Y/n!"

"Goodbye.. Y/n, until next time" he said with a small smirk and disappeared with a poof.

After that, Y/n unlocked the door, dragged herself inside. She put her sandals close to the door and walked into the kitchen, she took an apple and went to bed after showering.

"Haahh I'm exhausted..but Itachi-kun was very nice...maybe it isn't that bad here after all"

And with that said she went to sleep, greated by the comfortable silence.

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