♡•chapter 5•♡

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Screams was all I could hear, more importantly screams of agony from my one and only family. "Mitsuri..why did you leave us to die..? it's all your fault we died, if you weren't so weak we would still be alive" her best friend Shinobu said. "W-what Shinobu-chan please don't say that..I tried..I tried to save you all.." I answered weakly, voice wavering.

"You're worthless.."





"You don't deserve to live"




Those were the words that her family told her, their words repeating in her head like an endless maze, their words cut through her heart like tiny needles. Floating in an endless pit of darkness, no way out in the creepy yet lonely atmosphere. "Please don't say that..I never wanted to leave" tears running down her cheeks, never stopping.

"I can help you grow stronger, accept my power and you will never be alone.."A voice said behind her, a voice full of malicious intent. Mitsuri could feel a shiver run down her spine, goosebumps erupting on her soft skin. Accept his power..? 

Mitsuri turned around only to freeze, infront of her stood the demon lord Kibutsuji Muzan. "I will never become a demon!" Mitsuri shouted, voice filled with rage and sorrow. "Too bad you don't have a choice..my dear love pillar" The demon said while smirking, stepping closer to the frozen pillar. His nails sharpening with every step he took until he was face to face to the former love pillar. She tried to take a step back, only for the demon lord to grab her from the waist, pulling her flush against his chest while slowly leaning down whispering to her ear "You will be the strongest to ever live in this universe...my dear, don't resist this power" and he plunged his finger in her neck, a big amount of blood flowing through her, she felt pain, pain everywhere. Nails sharpening to white with a pink ombré, hair growing longer, skin turning almost white. Her ones green eyes now a glowing dark green with slits. 

"Shhh...it will be over soon" the demon lord whispered in her ear, before slowly yet surely dissappearing. "Make me proud... Uppermoon 0"

And everything went even more black if that was even possible.

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