♡• chapter 6 •♡

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Y/N WOKE UP feeling cold, like below freezing temperatures. The only thing on her mind was her dream, it felt so real yet it couldn't be...right?

Shivering when the cold air brushed against her skin, causing goosebumps to erupt. Her throat all dry, eyes full of tears yet most of all the worst part. The feeling of guilt, the feeling was so enormous that she broke down, pulling herself in a sitting position with her pillow in her lap with her blanket pulled over her head, like a cocoon. The tears never stopped, in fact they just continued.

This is real isn't it? I'm not dead, nor am I at home..at peace with my friends. I feel so tired..

Standing up with her pillow still on her lap, causing it to fall on the ground. Walking towards her bathroom sluggishly, her body felt numb, cold. When she finally reached her bathroom she opened the door and closed it. Walking towards her mirror while silently staring at her reflection...


The scream was so loud that she probably woke up the whole village, but putting that aside, her reflection had changed. Her skin was pale, unnaturally pale with two pairs of glowing green eyes, her hair even longer before with a more dull color instead of bright and the worst part? The slits in her eyes, her sharp pointy canines and pink cracks on her skin

"No no no!!! this can't be true please...I CANT BE A DEMON!... Muzan is supposed to be d-dead..right?  he is dead, he has to be! but, how could I be a demon..no...no the dream"  She cried out, the feeling of disgust creeping over her. "Muzan..! how could you.. haven't I? no haven't we suffered enough...? HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL?!" she cried even more, fat blobs of tears kept rushing down her red puffy eyes. In her reflection she could see a shadow, until the shadow started nearing her, Muzan.

"That is no way to speak to the one who gave you power.. the one who gave you a purpose" he spoke, voice void of any emotion, his aura practically screamed AUTHORITY and EVIL. "I didn't ask for it.. I didn't want this...any of this! I'm tired.. w-why did it have to be me.! why.. why, why! WHY!" she vented, feeling hopeless I mean why her? why not Kocho..? I mean she's much smarter, better, prettier hell she's perfect compared to me..! so why not her instead.. atleast she killed an uppermoon, with her poison.. I didn't deserve this. I was useless in the fight..

"You have a new purpose now Y/n, you do know you're not a hashira anymore. That title died the same day you did. All my demons died too when I did. Lets take over the world.. lets create a new one, where you will rule.. doesn't that sound just perfect" He smirks walking even closer to her, tilting her head upwards so she looked straight into his cold, vermilion eyes. She looked empty, her eyes ones filled with life now dull and lifeless. "...A new purpose..do I even have a purpose..I don't want to rule the world." she replied before falling towards him, unbalanced. Her face fell right into his chest. His scent almost overpowering all her sences. Feeling scared and embarassed she tried to move away from him. But it was too late, he had already caged her in his arms.. leaving no space to run away from his embrace. 

"You know..lets find a new purpose in this world. A piece of my soul stayed with you when we died. That's why I'm here right now.. your body is already much stronger and the most exciting part? Your blood demon art. You can call for me, and for the uppermoons and we'll be right here. You may even learn their blood demon arts" he said while leaning down a bit, because the female he was holding was shorter than him.

"Why.. why are you being nice..? Are you trying to manipulate me" she asked, voice cracking from crying so much.

"No.. not this time atleast. Because of you I am somewhat alive so this is my way of repaying you dear"

It's my fault his alive. Now I feel even worse.. because of me the demon king haven't died entirely. Damn..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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