♡• chapter 2 •♡

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Your POV:

"Uhm..mister headband man.? Do you perhaps know who is the leader of this village.? If you do then can you please take me to him/her?"

"Of course but why do you need to talk to her?" The headband dude answered while looking at her a bit suspiciously.

"A-ahm it's I guess about my situation...?" She answered which honestly sounded more like a question.

"Oh! Well follow me then!" The headband dude said while starting to walk to some sort of tower thing?

"Oh alright!! Thank you, but uhm may I know your name?"

"Of course! The names Iruka Umino! May I know yours?" He answered happily.

'Should I tell him my real name? I mean he seems trustworthy but..you can never me too careful'

"Well Umino-san my name is Kanroji Y/n! Pleasure to meet you!" Mitsuri but now known as Y/n answered brightly. If you looked close enough then you could see a pink aura with flowers everywhere surrounding her.

"Oh haha well the pleasure is all mine, Kanroji-san" Iruka said.

As they were walking they talked about whatever crossed their minds and soon enough they were there.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in" a female voice said.

As they opened the door did they see a woman who looked no older then 25, but in reality she was atleast over 50. The woman had blonde hair that was tied in a low, loose ponytail with two face framing pieces in the front. She had some kind of diamond mark on her forehead and had a green type of haori thing with clothes that looked like robes, her chest area was more open so she was a bit exposed.

(Author: damn meow)

"State your business" the woman said with a irritated expression.

"A-ah well this girl here, Kanroji Y/n had some business with you! I will leave now so you can talk!" And after that there was a poof and a cloud of smoke and the dude was nowhere to be found.

'Waaahh that was so cool!!! How did he do thattt, I guess this gave me my answer to being in a different world, tho they seem to be a ninja of some sort, I remember when Uzui-san told me about them! So cool!!!'

After her little fangirling moment did she stop and somehow became a bit serious, tho she was only nervous because of the gaze the other woman had.

"So, what was it that you needed to talk about?"

Tsunade POV:

'Hmm..this girl looks kind of weird, what is that uniform thing, and she carries a katana, tho I will not lie..she is very beautiful but, I cannot sense any chakra from her whatsoever.'

Y/n POV:

"A-ah well I wanted to know where I might be..? I'm a bit lost and well, I'm from somewhere far away from this place.. all I remember was sleeping  and when I woke up I was in some kind of forest..so I kind of need help, hehe.." she sweat dropped after telling the scary female some of the truth.

"Hmm well.. I'm afraid I might not be able to help with your situation atleast right now..but I can provide you with a apartment and some money for necessities.. because it seems like you're gonna be here for a while, Kanroji-san.

"Uhm alright! Thank you so much...uh?"


"Alright Tsunade-san thank you for the help! I must get going now, bye-bye!"






'Hahhh that was scaryyy, she was so serious but really cool!! Tho now I need to find the house that I will be living in! Kyaaa I'm so excited!! But..I wonder...did Iguro-san also reincarnate to this world..I miss him, I miss Kocho-san, I miss cloud gazing with Tokito-san..I miss eating with Rengoku-san...I miss them, they were like family..'

"Oh..! I'm here well, this looks really cool, tho I'm not used to how modern everything looks like but it's really nice!"

As she opened the door, was she met with a clean house, there was a kitchen, bathroom, livingroom and a bedroom, there was some really weird machine things in the kitchen that she had to find out how to use.

"Hahhh I'm tired! I will just explore tomorrow because right now I feel like I'm gonna die, goodnight world..Iguro-san, please find me it's scary here..."

And with that thought in her head, she managed to fall asleep fairly quickly.

Well this was chapter two! Hope you liked it!! Till next time!

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