♡• chapter 1 •♡

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Random POV:

Somewhere in a forest, where the trees are tall and green in different kinds of shades, you can see a faint glow. The glow gets brighter and brighter and suddenly it stops. Where the light once was is now gone and instead you can see a body. The body remained motionless, the wounds that once was on the body were gone, as if they were never there.

The sun was shining brightly in the girls face, she had pink hair that changes to green with green big round eyes with two molds under her eyes. Her lips were big, pink and honestly looked kissable. Her hair was in three braids that reached her back. She wore a pretty revealing shirt with a skirt, white haori and green striped socks paired with sandals.

Your POV:

"Mmmhm" the girl groaned as she was starting to wake up. She felt so tired, her limbs were aching and honestly it felt like hell.

'Huh..am I in heaven?'

'But... it feels like I'm alive, breathing instead of being in heaven..'

As she opened her eyes, she was instantly met with the blazing sun and the blue clear sky.

She tried to lift up her fingers first, moving them slowly, then she started flexing her arms and lastly her legs. After testing out if her limbs moved normally (which they did) did she start sitting, her legs crossed as she searched for something, her hands roaming where her katana should be, and low and behold it was there!

"Shouldn't I be dead.. I remember taking my last breath in Iguro-sans arms..did I perhaps reincarnate..?" She said out loud since she couldn't sence any precense near by.

"Hmm..that's weird..I feel normal, and all of my injuries are healed..as if they were never there? Which is super duper weird!! Hahhh what is going onnn!!!" She said while puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms while her lips are formed in a tiny pout.

As she felt like she was done sitting on the ground did she decide to stand up, pat her skirt to get all the dirt off and jumped up on one of the trees and tried to see if she could find anything that could tell her where she is.

She did have a tiny thought in the back of her head that kept telling her that she was in a different world, and she didn't want to believe it at first so she decided to see if she can find something useful.

And holy! When I tell you she did then I mean it!! She saw in a distance a wall, and it was kind of huge but at the same time not. So as the little dum dum she is, did she decide to go there. She started running in high speed towards the wall and soon enough she was there. As she looked towards it she could see a village, and she could sense alot of people there, she could sense that some had weapons which made her think it was not a safe place.

But she had to go in!! If she wants answers to where she was and how to get home then she just had to enter!

'Alright! Mitsuri you can do this!! Just walk in, ask for the boss and then go where the boss is and ask where you are!! Easy alright?' She told herself with a determined face, and with that she started walking in.

She was immediately met with alot if shops on the streets with alot of people, and well it was pretty overwhelming to say the least. As she was looking around her eyes caught a sign that said Ichiraku Ramen and let me tell you, the aroma that came off of the place was heavenly.

She happily walked towards the place and as she walked in was met with a not to big restaurant but it was really cosy!

"Hello! What can I get you?" Asked a male that looked to be in atleast his 60s

"Ooo hi could I get two bowls of all the ramen flavors you have? And make them large if you can" she asked after she ordered.

"Alright coming right up!" The old man said.

-*- A Few Moments Later -*-

"Ah that was super duper good! The best ramen I've ever had. Said the pink and green haired girl.

"Oh hahaha thank you young lady, tho I don't mean to pry but are you new in the leaf village, I haven't seen you before?" The old man asked her curiously.

"Oh yes I am actually, I just arrived so I thought I could eat before looking around" she answered the man with a goofy yet cute smile on her face.

"Oh well then, welcome to the leaf village young one!" The man said.

"Oh thank you but I really need to get going see you, kind ramen shop owner, bye-bye!" She said and waved.

"Goodbye young lady! Don't forget to come by!"the man answered.

And at that the girl left. While walking down the street she was greeted by curious glances. And some smiled, which was pretty pleasant if you ask her

Hey hey hey this was chapter one hope you enjoyed byeee

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