Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Shauna Blake<3

Chapter 8

I shoot up out of my bed and run for the bathroom. I stand over the toilet and puke my guts up. Ugh I hate vomiting!

"Shauna? Honey are you OK?" My mom asks walking in.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say after about five minutes. Weird, I was vomiting like there was no tomorrow and now I'm fine? Huh oh well, it's not like I'm complaining.

"OK honey, just drink some water anyway. Don't want to get dehydrated." and there's my mom. Day one starts today. And I couldn't be more happier.

After I chug about three glasses of water down, my mom made me, I call Amy, Shannon and Luke over. Today is a lovely day and we're going to go to the beach.

"Shauna, I don't think its a good idea for you to go out when you're just after vomiting. It'd be best if you left it for another day." My mom tells me. Typical mom.

"No mom I'm fine really." I try to convince her. Eventually it works.

My friends come over all dressed in sunny clothes. Shannon's wearing a white floral dress, Amy has denim high-waisted shorts and a cheetah print top and Luke has those shorts that guys wear and a t-shirt on. I just have blue shorts and a plain white top.

"Hey Ann, come to the beach with us?" Amy suggests to my mam. Amy sucks up to my mom. All the time.

"Well I'm not sure Shauna would want to be seen in public with meee." My mom answers laughing.

"Mom, god dammit." I huff "I haven't seen you in two years, of course I want you to come. I just didn't think I needed to invite you. I thought you knew you were already coming."

"Shauna honey, I'm winding you up." she laughs putting her hand on my arm. I just laugh with her. It's so good to have her here. Even if it is just for a few days.

She's still looks the very same. Blond hair just a little longer than mine and big blue eyes, she's very pretty and about 5ft 6" in height. People say we look the same all the time. But I thought I resembled my dad so I don't really agree.

"Let's go then you guys!" Shannon exclaims. We all go out to her car, like we usually do, and drive off to the beach.

I love the beach. The soft sand under your feet and the lovely cool water. I have my bikini under my clothes so I'll definitely be running out into the water, even if the others don't come with me.

After a ten minute drive we arrive at the lovely beach. There's a little breeze but it feels perfect. I run my hardest down to the water, taking my shorts and top off as I do so and flinging them onto the sand not taking notice of where they land, and splash into the water.

Luke comes in after and pushes me under the water. Not cool. I get my revenge and push his face down. We must look fairly stupid, there's like little kids in the water and here we are, twenty-one, and playing in here.

"You guys stop messing, there's people staring" Shannon says quietly and looks over her shoulder. Amy comes up behind her pushes her in. She squeals when she comes back up. She looks so mad.

Amy runs off screaming when Shannon comes after her. She runs up into Luke and shouts "Protect me!" Luke does and Shannon pushes them both under. Wow I feel so loved.

Amy and Luke come up laughing their heads off together. They're holding hands unconsciously, like that's just automatic for them, they don't even know they're doing that. They begin to walk out of the water. Me and Shannon follow.

Mom set us up towels on the sand so we lie down and sun bathe a little. It's actually so relaxing and the air is just the perfect temperature. I'm not really the one to tan though, I turn into a tomato when exposed to too much sun.

"Why don't we walk to the shop to get ice-cream?" Luke says grinning. I'm not sure I really wanna eat anything after what happened this morning but I don't want to ruin anyone elses day.

"Sure! Let's go." Amy shouts. She grabs Luke's hand and off we go to the store. Did I mention before that Luke's originally from Ireland so he says 'shop' instead of 'store' and 'chips' instead of 'french fries'? Well anyway now you know.

I get my usual, caramel ice-cream, Amy gets chocolate, Shannon gets strawberry, Luke gets mint and mom gets vanilla. I eat mine slowly because I really have no appetite right now.

I kind of want to go home. It's starting to get a little colder and I'm bored. Amy reads my mind because she suggest we go too.

We all go back to my place. We always drive places in Shannon's car and we always meet up at my place. Why can't we never go to Amy and Luke's house? They have a nice lovely house. Its just like a ten minute walk from my place.

"Well that was a lovely day out." my mom says satisfied. Amy, of course, has to agree with her before any of the rest of us.

Luke's phone begins ringing. 'Unknown Number' flashes up on the screen and he hesitates to answer it. But in the end he does.

"Hello?" He asks suspiciously. I hear some faint talking on the other line and Luke relaxes abit.

"Oh hey Danny." he says smiling. Danny's Luke's boss. Luke works in a music store in New York. Its a really good store, I get all my CDs from there. Danny's like amazingly good looking. He tried to flirt with me the first few times he saw me but Conor eventually sorted him out. Now Danny won't even look at me.

Luke says good bye to Danny and turns to us. "Danny needs me in work, I've got to go but I'll talk to you guys later." And with that he walks out the door.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Shannon suggests.

"The notebook!" I shout. I love that movie, I've never not cried watching it. Mom and Amy agree to watching it and Shannon slides it into the DVD player.

Ninety minutes later and a thousand tears later, the movie ends. It always get me. Conor used to call me a baby when I did and I used to get all embarrassed. I miss those days...

"I'm going to go home you guys." Amy yawns.

"Me too." Shannon also says getting up from her spot. "I'll drop you home Amy." We says our goodbyes and they're gone.

Mom and I decide to have a gossip session. She tells me all about our neighbours at home and what they're up too and what not. I don't really have any gossip and I sure as hell do not want to say anything about my stalker person.

Its about 10:30 now and I'm getting into my bed. I find a comfortable position and snuggle down. But of course it has to be ruined, my phone starts buzzing.

I pat around to find my phone and when I do, its like looking into the sun. It takes my eyes a few seconds to focus and then I see the name 'Amy<3' flash on my phone. I groan and answer the phone. What could she possibly want to talk about at this time?

"Amy.. I was about to fall asleep." I complain.

"Oh sorry." she says. But it sounds like she's crying. I immediately spring up.

"What's wrong?!" I ask concerned.

"Luke hasn't came home and when I rang him his phone just rang on and on.. I don't know what's happening.." She's really frustrated.

"Its OK Amy.. I can't really think straight now because I'm on the verge of passing out with sleep but I'm sure he'll come home soon, if he's not there by morning ring me and I'll drive you wherever you think he is."

"Alright thanks Shauna." she says and then hangs up. I'm sure he's just had a stressful day at the music shop. But I don't understand why he's out this late...

A.N the next chapter will be better, I promise :)

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