Chapter 6

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A.N. This chapters just a filler so its not really that great, apologies :P

Chapter 6

Eh where am I? OK so I'm at this house that I don't recognise but its like I'm locked in a glass case because I can't seem to run away. Everything else around me is dark and I'm just facing a dark room. There's shadows in the room, three to be precise, but I can't make them out due to the lack of light.

Suddenly there's an evil laugh that surrounds this whole area and the room I'm looking into lights up. I can now make out the three people standing in the room, two in which I know very well.

Yep, that's right, Conor and Marie are standing in the room with another person. I'm sure you can guess who the other person is? Hes covered in black if that's a clue.

A knife is pulled out and Maries arm gets cut open. I pound on the glass but I just cant get in there. The tears are streaming heavily down my face and I just cannot get in there. He sticks the knife in her stomach before taking it out and sticking it into her chest. There goes Marie.

"STOP!!!" I cry pounding the glass as hard as I can. It's like they can't see me but I can see them. "PLEASE STOP!!" I start boxing the glass to see if it breaks but I only end up hurting myself.

Now the person turns to Conor. Oh God! The knife gets stuck into his stomach. Conor doubles over in pain and the person takes its chance to walk behind Conor and slit his throat. Conor falls to the ground, lifelessly beside his mother. "NOOOOO!" I shouted putting my hands over my eyes and cry harder.

The person turns to me, looking me right in the eyes. I knew it! It's the person who was looking in at Amy and I. I KNEW IT!

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I scream. He/she laughs and slowly walks out of the room. Everything goes black.

I'm shook awake to a very scared and worried looking Shannon. My hair and pyjamas are stuck to me from how much I've sweat.

"Shannon help! Hes coming to kill us!" I grab Shannon hand and pull her into the bed.

"Shauna it was just a bad dream, you need to get a shower or you're going to drown in your own sweat." She pushes my wet hair off my forehead.

"No, you don't understand. It was the same person who looked in at me and Amy! He killed Conor and Marie right in front of me! Shannon, please, please, please believe me." I sob.

"Shauna it was just a dream, go get a shower." She pulls me into my En Suite. My heart drops in my chest, why does no one believe me?

"What time is it?" I ask before she closes the door.

"It's 7:45, I'm gonna call Amy and Luke over." She replies quietly before closing the door. Brown hair really does look amazing on her. She dyed it when she came back here for her 'shift' to look after me.

I stripped off and turned on the shower. The warm water was so relaxing. Just what I needed right now. I couldn't stop thinking about my nightmare. OK when I said the one where I got killed was the worst one, I lied. This was my worst.

The worst thing about this whole situation is that my friends don't believe me about the person, even though they saw the notes and the pictures. I can still see those silvery greeny eyes looking straight into my eyes. They looked furious when it was looking in at Amy and I.

I can't think of a reason why someones out to get me. I don't think I've ever done anything wrong to anyone and make them want to kill me. I'm a good person, I always try to be nice, I rarely ever lie and I'd give up anything to save my friends.

I got out of the shower and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was a total mess. My blue eyes that I usually liked were red, puffy and dull. I had tear stained cheeks and my lips were very chapped. The bags under my eyes would tell that I don't get much sleep. I'm usually not this bad.

"Another day of hell." I mutter to myself as I get dressed. I decide to leave my hair down and to dry its natural wavy self. Its not like I'm going anywhere special today.

"Heeey pet." Amy greets me with a hug as I walk into my sitting room. Luke smiles at me and returns to looking at the TV.

"Hey guys." I reply sitting down beside Luke on the couch. Luke has seemed to have a natural hair day today too. His usually spiked up hair was now left as a fringe over his forehead. It's not as black looking as it usually is but that's because the lack of gel. I preferred it this way anyway. Amy was lucky to have a guy like Luke. He's probably one of the nicest guys I have ever met in my life and he has like the nicest eyes, besides Conor. Well, Conor has the nicest green eyes and Luke has the nicest brown eyes.

"Shannon told us about the nightmare, are they getting worse?" Amy looks at me concerned. I look over to Shannon who now has her hair extensions in. She smiles a sympathetic smile at me and mouthes a 'sorry'.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry." I lie. I don't want them worrying about me. Amy and Luke have been my friends since I was like ten and Shannon has been since I was just after turning sixteen and only started going out with Conor. They mean so much to me and the last thing I want to do is make them worry.

"Your mom called. She wants to come over." Shannon said smiling at me. I love my mom to bits, she was like my best friend. I haven't seen her in about two years now because she lives in Boston and I live in New York and we never had the time to see each other.

"Oh my God, YES!" I shouted with glee and throwing my hands up in the air. "But don't tell her about the nightmares or notes or anything like that." I warn. Christ knows what she'll do if she hears any of that.

"Does she know about Conor?" Luke asks suddenly joining our conversation. I didn't think he was even listening, he looked so absorbed in Two And A Half Men.

"Yep but that's all she needs to know, I'm trusting you guys."

"Your secrets safe with us." Amy reassured me. I smile and join Luke in watching the TV. I don't exactly like Two And A Half Men but I'd watch anything right now to get my mind off things. Then I remembered a question that I probably should've asked ages ago.

"Whens mom coming?" God I'm stupid for not asking.

"Oh, ehm tomorrow around 12 I think."

"And how long is she staying?"

"She said four days." Shannon smiled.

Yay! I cannot wait. A whole four days with my mom to get my mind off things. But what if I get a nightmare and wake up screaming during the night while shes here? Oh I'm sure I wont knowing shes here will make me feel safe.

"This place is a mess" I say unimpressed looking around. I have cleaned it up since the person came but it still needs abit more cleaning.

"Then we shall clean." Amy laughs getting to her feet. Luke groans and Shannon rolls her eyes.

"Oh I see how it is, you guys don't think my mommy deserves a clean house to stay in." I pretend to cry.

"No its just cleaning, cleanings ewhy." Luke states getting to his feet. I just laugh and playfully box his arm. He pretends that it hurt and tells Amy. Amy pretends to be mad and hits me. And it ends up with us all laughing.

I miss these good times we used to have, but the only thing now is Conors missing... Shauna think positive thoughts, your moms coming tomorrow for gods sake, yippeeee!

Amy and I cleaned my house while Shannon and Luke went to the store to get some food. And that's how the whole day went.

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