Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I've been watching the video of Shannon on my iPad over and over again. The person planned it well, not giving me any evidence whatsoever with the location. I guess I just need to wait for my next clue, or riddle, so I can start looking for my beloved friend again.

I don't know if I should tell Amy this or not. I mean she knows about the first riddle but I don't think she would even want to see this disturbing video of Shannon, no one would it's just too heartbreaking.

A bang in my bedroom shoots me out of my thoughts, probably my next clue. To be honest, it doesn't even bother me that the person can get in my house now. I'd say its been here alot more often than I think. I should investigate my room now, probably the best idea.

My cold feet pad up the stairs into my room. There's not one single clue that someone was in my room, it's just as I left it. Well of course, except for the little piece of paper, rather my riddle, left on the middle of my bed.

"Hello there Shauna, 

I'm starting again, 

Go to Shannon's favourite park, 

Or for her it'll be the end."

Wait... If I don't go to the park he's gonna kill her? Well I better get going then. I slip on my converse, grab my purse and keys and run out the front door.

I get in my car and start it, only to see I'm low on fuel. Fucking hell! I bang my fist off the stirring wheel out of temper and end up beeping the horn. A person driving by on their bike nearly has a heart attack.

"Crap! Sorry!" I shout out my window to him. He just puts up his hand and waves me off as he cycles by. Ignorant prick..

I have enough gas to make it to the closest gas station, but do I have enough time to rescue Shannon? Would I get to my destination faster if I ran there? I add it up in my head and it comes out that I will get there faster by running, so I guess I'm having a fitness day today.

I stumble out of my car and run down the sidewalk. Shannon's favourite park... Central Park! Shit, bad memories happened there... Shauna, just put that behind you, you need to rescue Shannon. Wow I'm actually having a conversation with myself as I run down the path, really Shauna? Have you sunk this low?

Central Park is a twenty minute walk from my place, so it should be about atleast fifteen minutes if I run. I bang into a few people while I'm running, but I do apologize. Only a few people accept it though, others gave me strange looks and just keep walking. What is the world coming to that someone won't even understand you banged into them by accident?

I run through the gates of the once loved park and end up running by the lake where Luke was found, my heart splits in half as I remember that awful night. I stop running and bless myself in front of the lake. I stand there remembering that night for a few minutes. Holy crap, is running while your pregnant even good for a baby? Well I guess it's too late now anyway...

I continue jogging around the park in search of another note, and finally I see a little white piece of paper stapled to a tree. I run over to it, way out of breath after all the running. Wait, this isn't just any tree, its the tree that I carved "Shauna + Conor forever" and that Amy carved "Amy + Luke forever" onto.. Again, I'm very creeped out!

I rip the note off the tree, but before I read it I look at the carvings, that was an amazing day. Shannon was gone to visit her family in LA so Amy, Luke, Conor and I decided to go for a walk down here. Luke and Conor decided to go get ice cream, Amy and I waited for them but they took ages so we saw that tree and carved our love into it. I smile as I remember that day, it's one of my favourite memories. I haven't got time to keep remembering things, if I do then I'll remember that this will be the day that I let Shannon get murdered in the future, that can't happen.

"Hello there Shauna, 

Awh look at this tree, 

Go to Shannon's house, 

For the next clue to me."

Why is this person making me run around so much? This is just torture! Wait, wait, wait.. Shauna cop on! You are not being tortured! You're doing this so you can save Shannon, who is in reality being tortured, just get a cab and don't be so lazy! And I'm back to talking to myself..

I run back out of the park and call over a cab that's going to pass by. He pulls over and waits for me to get in. I tell him the address to Shannon's house and he drives off bringing me to where I desire. I watch the meter in the taxi get higher as we drive along the road, and then I remember this is why I never use taxis..

"We're here miss, that'll be $20 please." He says turning around to face me. Twenty bucks?! We were driving for about seven minutes, what a rip off!

I act polite about it and give him a twenty dollar bill. Right now money doesn't matter to me, I just want my friend back. Shannon's door is unlocked so I can just walk into it. I go inside and there's a note left on her fridge door.

"Hello there Shauna, 

Now its time to go home, 

But be careful while you roam, 

Cause the last ones going to go missing after reading this poem."

The last one? Oh fuck! Amy! Shit, shit, shit, shit! I take out my phone and dial Amy's number to see if she's still available.

"Pick up! Pick up! Pick uppppp!" I plead down the phone line to a ringing phone.

"Heeeey." Amy answers happily.

"Oh thank god" I whisper to myself. "Uhm hey Amy, why don't you come over to mine, we'll talk about Shannon and all." I say trying to sound happy.

"Oh OK." she says emotionless before hanging up.

What a relief. I need to tell her this, she needs to keep herself safe as much as she can, I'll be there keeping her safe too. I can't lose Amy, it's just too hard. My feet take my outside Shannon's house, it's so gloom without out her, like my mood. Ugh, now I have to run back home. It's not that far, I just hate running. Well here I go...

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