Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It's Halloween! Oh my gosh how I love this holiday, not more than Christmas but I still love it! One of my friends have a Halloween dress up house party like every year and they're always amazing.

Tonight I was going to dress up as a cat, tight black shorts, black top with white in the middle and cat ears. Last year I was a vampire, but I wasn't as skimpy looking because I did have a boyfriend. My tops not tight though, I haven't told anyone I'm pregnant except Amy and Shannon and I don't want the others to find out there of all places.

I need to watch what I drink too... It's all going to be spiked. Last year Shannon drank some normal punch and all of a sudden she wasn't able to walk in a straight line. I told her to touch her nose with her index finger and she called me crazy because to touch your nose with your finger is impossible.

I'm being the responsible driver tonight (since I can't drink) so I'm picking the girls up at 9:30pm. Last year Amy dressed up as zombie Michael Jackson, Luke was a girl, Shannon was a witch and Conor was a dog. I made Conor's costume and I was so proud of it.

We all leave it as a surprise of what we're wearing and then see it on the night. So right now I haven't a clue what Amy and Shannon are wearing. I can't wait to see!

I'm adding the finishing touches to my costume right now, just about to head off to collect the girls. I have really heavy eye liner all around my eyes and six inch heels on. I take a step back to look at my full appearance in the mirror. I look like a slut.. That was not my intention.. But I don't have another costume so I'll have to settle with this.

I suppose I'll leave for Amy and Shannon now, I have got nothing better to do. My heels click walking down the stairs to the front door, I don't know why but I love the sound of heels walking on wood, weird I know.

I get into my car and start it. It's when I try to take off that I realize I'm not that great at driving wearing heels, Shannon's usually the driver and when I'm driving I always have my converse on. I'll take it slow for now. My cars just crawling down the road, cars behind me pass by giving dirty looks at my slow speed.

I reach Amy's house and beep the horn. I sit there waiting to see what her costume is this time.

The door opens and out comes Amy the policewoman, she has a really tight short black skirt and the police jacket with handcuffs hanging from her waist, really high heels, a cop hat and that bar thingy they use for weapons, I haven't a clue what the real name is.

I didn't know Amy and my code this year was 'our boyfriends are gone, let's be sluts'. But I actually didn't mean to be a slut. Time to scold Amy.

"Abit flashy are we?" I tease as she gets in the door.

"Says you." She replies laughing and pointing at my costume.

"It wasn't meant to be slutty!" I say rather loudly.

"Neither was mine." She laughs harder. What a coincidence, we both meant to look nice rather than slags.

"Can't wait to see Shannon.." Amy mumbles putting on her seat belt. Personally I can't either, her costumes are always amazing. I wonder if she's being a slut like Amy and I? Hopefully so it'll be our full appearance at the party and everyone will think we planned it.

Shannon appears at her doorway seconds after I blow the horn. Oh gosh, she's a slutty fairy! She's got a really tight pink sparkly dress, wings, a tiara, pink heels and she's covered in glitter. To be honest, it looks really cool!

She gets in the backseat before leaning forward to see Amy and I.

"Yay sluts forever" she yells leaning back in her seat happily. OK she definitely planned looking like that.

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