Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"You need to stop worrying Shauna, I'm sure Conor's fine. His mom just probably fell and hurt her foot or something. Come on we'll go see a movie to go get your mind off things." Shannon attempts to reassure me. I wasn't really sure but I agree anyway, maybe she's right and I am worrying for nothing, you know just being paranoid.

We drive to the movies in Shannon's car. We decided to see Ted because what's better than a funny movie to get your mind off things?

The car journey is complete silence, with the radio buzzing quietly in the background. Shannon tries starting a few conversations but I'm not in the mood, I feel as if something's wrong. The thing is, I don't know what.

"You get the tickets, I'll get the food." Shannon instructs giving me the money to buy her ticket. Nodding, I slip out from the car into the theatres lobby.

"Alright. I want Malteasers, a small popcorn and a coke." I shout over to her as she walks toward the shop bit. I know, I'm so healthy. She nods her head, hope she remembers everything though.

"What would you like to see?" The kind man behind the counter asks me smiling.

"Two tickets to Ted please." I reply also smiling handing him the money. He hands me the tickets with a quick 'thank you.', I walk over to Shannon giving her the ticket, grabbing my food and we walk into the theater together.

I laugh a lot during the movie, alongside Shannon who cries with laughter from time to time. Man, this is hilarious. Especially the Thunder Buddies song 'Fuck you thunder, you can suck my dick', it's awesome!

Shannon was right, seeing a movie, especially that one, has improved my mood by a huge amount.

When we get back home I look at my phone first thing. I had forgotten it when we went to the movies. I have nine missed calls and one new voicemail message, all from Conor. Whoops I probably should've brought my phone with me, he's gonna kill me. I don't bother ring him back, I just go into the voicemail.

"Shauna!" Conors panicky voice breaths into the phone. "Shauna I just want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world, you mean so much to me, you are basically my world and have been for the last few years of my life. This is so hard but; somethings happened and I want you to move on, from me, you'll understand soon- No! No, leave me alone PLEASE!- Beep" The voicemail cuts off by a bang of a door and then the beep.

I'm speechless, what does he mean I'll understand soon? I just collapse to the ground in tears, Shannon runs over to me and engulfs me in a hug, she doesn't talk, just rocks me back and forth, waiting for me to calm down before she asks me anything.

Right then Luke and Amy walk into the room smiling. Their smiles quickly vanish though as they see us on the ground, me an absolute mess in tears and Shannon trying to comfort me.

"Shauna whats wrong?!" Amy asks worriedly running over and joining in me and Shannon's hug. Luke doesn't really know what to do, he stands there looking down at us confused, he's not really the type that gives out advice.

"I-I j-just g-got..." I try but my crying makes it so hard for them to make out my words. Did Conor actually just break up with me or what? All I could do was point to my phone. Luke grabs it up and presses on the voicemail. He looks stunned turning to us after hearing it, putting the phone on the mantel above the fire.

"We have to go to Conors house, like right now." Luke tells the girls helping me off the ground. "I'll tell you guys the message in the car just help me get Shauna in she's too shook up to walk." Shannon and Amy nod and help me out to the car. My knees are so weak, they're trembling at a terrible rate.

The car ride was torture. Luke told the girls the message and Amy looked as if she was about to cry too but Shannon just comforted me, not wanting to upset me further. A few sobs left my mouth every now and then.

After what felt like a week we arrive at Conor's place. There's police lining saying 'Do Not Cross' across the front yard which is making my whole panic attack worse. I ignore it and run into the house ducking under the tape. A few cops try to stop me but I push them out of the way eager to get to Conor.

What I saw next makes my heart explode into thousands of tiny pieces. On the ground lay Conor, lifeless, in his own pool of blood after being stabbed countless times. Next to him also lay his lifeless mother. The house was trashed, everything smashed, pictures thrown all over the place. But the weirdest thing is that a framed picture of Conor and I hung unharmed up on the wall. I cry the hardest I've ever cried in my life, I scream until my lungs give out. I probably could've helped if I had brought my phone with me, oh this is all my fault!

Amy comes in, followed by Luke then Shannon. Amy runs over and sees the two lifeless bodies. She hugs me as we cry together. Then Shannon stumbles over, also bawling and taking Amy's place as she hugs me. Amy goes over to Luke and cries into his chest.

Conor had been Luke's best friend ever since they were like four years old. This is going to effect him big time, as well as me. I mean Shannon and Amy love Conor too but he meant more to me and Luke.

The best thing that has ever happened to me was just taken away from me. What kind of sick bastard would just break into someones house and slaughter them. Conor's mom was in bits, her whole body was slashed. I couldn't stand being near them anymore, it hurt too much.


We sit in the kitchen of Conor's house still crying. Then a cop walks in holding a piece of paper with writing scribbled onto it, she does not look happy at all.

"Which one of you is Shauna?" She asks frowning.

"Ehm.. that would be me..." I answer in between sobs. She nods handing me the paper, it was actually a note for me. She watches as I read it, staring at me suspiciously.

"Come and find me Shauna... It won't be hard, I'll give you hints and stuff and you'll keep getting closer ;)" The note read. I drop it on the ground out of pure shock.

"Do you know who wrote that?" The policewoman asked suspiciously. "It would really help."

"No... Not an idea." I whisper looking down at the note. None of my friends question it, knowing it wasn't the time right now. Someones out to get me... Me being terrified is an understatement right now...

A/N Ted - Thunder Buddies Song on sidebar ------------>

Also picture of Amy there too ------------->

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