Part 1

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My phone rings and I turn to pick it up. It's my manager. "Yes." I asked, "y/n,you have somewhere to be at 9:00. Are you home?" I sigh, "No, I'm not." I look down at my watch. It's 8:45. I only have 15 minutes to get ready. " I told you the ball is at 9:00. If you miss the limo, that's on you." And with that, she hangs up. I roll my eyes and speed home.

Let me introduce myself. My name is y/n, and I'm a famous producer and actor. I've won 3 Grammys and 1 Emmy award, and I'm known by many. I'm gay, and I think another reason why I'm famous is because I have a penis. My dad left when I was born, and now it's just my mom and little sister. To this day, I don't know why, but I want to make my dad happy,so maybe just maybe he can be proud of me.

Time skip to when she gets home

I just got out the shower, and it's 8:55. I run around my house looking for my glasses. "Where the fuck are they? I just had them." I start walking around my room, looking for my glasses. I stumble over my dog,snowflake. "I'm sorry,buddy."

it's 9:00 and I hear the limousine pull up in front of house. "Just fucking forget it." I huffed and locked my door and checked my pockets to make sure I had everything. I took out my phone and went to my Camera app to make sure I looked good, and I saw that my glasses were tucked under my button-up shirt. I silently laughed to myself as I walked over to the limo, and the driver opened the door for me and I got in.

Time skip to when she gets to the ball

The limo driver opens the door for me, and I give him a silent thank-you. "Hey y/nnn," I looked to see my best friend, Lauren. I giver her a small smile, and she runs over to me, stumbling over her dress. I chuckle and bring her into a small hug. Why do you look so sad? I opened the door for her and said, "I don't want to be here. I'm not a people person, and you know that." She looked at me confused, "how are you not a people person, but you have woman laying up in your bed every other bed every other day? Make it make sense babe." I roll my eyes knowing she's right but if it's not a hookup I don't wanna talk you you sorry. She turns to me "Go to the bar. Get a drink. Losen up a bit." She winks and walks into the crowd of people.

I sigh and walk to the bar, and I get stopped by someone. I looked behind me, and I see Tyler the creator. "Oh, my god, bro, I'm such a big fan of your music. You're like the best rapper of all time, bro." He smiles. "Thank you. I'm also a big fan of your work. When I heard you were a producer, I wanted to check you out. I don't know of your manager told you yet, but I want your help with a song I'm going to be releasing soon."

" y-yeah, I would l-love to do that," I stutter, I'm mentally smacking myself. "Okay then it's settled, then talk to you later yeah." I nod my head, not wanting to embarrass myself even more than I already did. He pays my back and walks away, pulling up his pants.

I head over to the bar, still confused on how first of all I just met my idols and why my manger kept it from me, but I'll worry about it later. I call over the bartender, and he comes over, and before I can say anything, he says, "I'm on my break, ask somebody else," and walks away. He better be glad that I'm trying to be a holy person today because if I wasn't, I would have backhanded him so fast that he wouldn't have seen it coming.

"I'm sorry about him; he can be a prick sometimes. What can I get for you gorgeous?" i looked up, and blushed a little by the name. But god was she stunning, I wasn't really into blonds but I was now, and god, her eyes looked like I could get lost in them. "Can I get you something?" she chuckled. "Oh uh surprise me." She starts to put all of these different things in the drink she's making me. I'm starting to think saying surprise me was a bad idea.

she gives me the cup, smilies and walks away. "Hey wait," she looks back "we're you going, mama?" I asked. "I'm working. I have other people to make drinks for. I'll come back when I get a chance." She winks and walks away. I take a sip of the drink she made me, and I start choking. I see her chuckling. She gives the person there drink and walks over to we're I am.

"You told me to surprise you. Are you surprised?" I gave her my rbf (resting bitch face): "you can say that" I take a another sip of it and start to chock again she starts to laughing in my face when she looks up to see I have a straight face it makes her laugh even more "are you done?" Her laughing dies down and she gets 2 waters and gave me one and started to drink here. When she was done with her water, she looked up at me and said, "so what did you want to talk about"

991 words
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