Part 3

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Y/n pov

It's currently Friday. 2 days after I met Billie, and we have been texting a lot lately, today is the day we are supposed to have our little date. Well, to me, it's a date, but not to her. At least I get knocked out of my thoughts when I get a text from Billie.

Billie❤️: hey we still on for 2:00?

Y/n😩😫: yea of course

Billie❤️: so we're are we meeting exactly you never told me

Y/n😩😫: um we can meet at Margo's that's not to far from me

Billie❤️: okay see you there☺️
Delivered at 1:30

It's 1:30 and I have some time and I'm already dressed so I'll just watch something on Netflix to past the time.

Time skip to when she gets to the restaurant (  because I'm lazy)

I just arrived at the restaurant, and I'm now waiting for Billie. I look at my phone, and it's 2:30, and she was supposed to be here at 2:00. I suddenly hear that voice I've been waiting for: "Hey, sorry I'm late, got stuck in traffic." She chuckled. I looked at her, and she looked stunning as always. Let's just say I was stalking her Instagram last night. "It's fine, we're all late sometimes." I smile. We walk to the front desk, and the waiter asks, "Do you guys have a reservation?" I look at my phone and show her the QR code for the reservation, and she says, "Follow me, please." While she grabs our menus and walks us to our table, as we sit down, a different waiter comes over, and she smirks at me and says, "What drinks can we start you off with?" as she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

I look over at Billie and see she is giving the waitress a stank face. "Um, I'll just have a water." Then Billie speaks up, "I'll have the same thing she's having." The waiter walks away and looks over at Billie. "I didn't take you for the jealous type." She fiddles with her rings and says, "I'm not jealous; she was just being too forward." I smirk, knowing what I'm about to say will make her more jealous than she already is. "What if I liked her flirting with me?" she raises an eyebrow. "Whatever, why would I care anyway?" The waitress comes back with our drinks, puts them on the table, and puts her hand on my thigh. Billie slaps her hand and says, "Back off, bitch." The waitress rolls her eyes and says, "What can I start you off with?" I look down at the menu and say, "Can I get the fired tofu and fries?" She writes down my order and says, "Of course, darling." I cringe at her words, and I hear her say

"to be I'm not on the menu" she whisper yells loud enough for me and Billie to hear Billie looks at me and says "I'll have the same thing she's getting" she scoffs "okay whatever the meal should be out soon" she walks away and I hear Billie say "oh shit" under her breath I look to my right and see that guy she was with what's his name oh yea wue no que yeah que she gets up and walks over to him "hey go back and sit down didn't know we were having a date" what does he mean by date "they sit down and he rest his hand on billies thigh she moves a little but he just grabs her tighter.

"Hey, we were having lunch asshole." I speak up, and he laughs, "Listen, my girlfriend said nothing about you guys having lunch. I had to track her phone to see where she was because she was not answering me, so YOU need to back off." I look at Billie, and she looks down. It was too good to be true. "Billie, you never told me you had a boyfriend." She didn't say anything but just looked down. He brought her face to his and kissed her. I was mentally throwing up. When he got done eating her fucking face off, she wiped her lips. "I think I should go. You guys have a good date." I pat his shoulder and walk out of the restaurant. I hear a faint yell. "Y/n wait I'm sorry I was going to tell you" I kept walking and entered my car and drove away not looking back. Why should I care we weren't dating but I still have this anger of her not telling me she had a boyfriend instead of flirting with me at the ball.

809 words
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